?????????????????? ????????????????????????
1: 日
1日 iti niti one day
1日ごと iti niti goto once a day
日々 hibi every day, daily, day after day
日日 hiniti number of days, date
なん日 nan niti how many days
20日 hatuka the twentieth (day of the month)
hi day, days; sun, sunshine
2: 一
一つ hitotu one
一々 itiiti every single, each and every, fully, in detail
一日 iti niti day, one day; all day (long), throughout the day
3: 二
二日 hutuka two days; 2nd day of the month
二つ hutatu two
一つ二つ hitotu hutatu one or two, a few
うり二つ uri hutatu two peas in a pod
一も二もなく iti mo ni mo naku unhesitatingly
4: 三
三日 mikka three days; 3rd day of the month
三つ mittu three
5: 十
二十 ni zyuu twenty years old
十日 tooka ten days; 10th day of the month
一から十まで iti kara zyuu made from A to Z, every particular
6: 四
四つ yottu four
四日 yokka four days; 4th day of the month
四ミリ yon miri 4 millimeters
四グラム yon guramu 4 grams
四かくい sikakui, sikakukatta square, rectangular
四ぶん yonbun a fourth, a quarter
7: 五
五つ itutu five
go five
8: 六
roku six
六つ muttu six
9: 七
nana seven
七五三 sitigosan Shichi-Go-San
十七日 zyuusiti niti seventeen days; 17th day of the month
七つ nanatu seven
七日 nanoka seven days; 7th day of the month
10: 八
hati eight
一か八か itikabatika sink or swim, all or nothing
お八つ oyatu between-meal snack
11: 九
kyuu nine
九日 kokonoka nine days; 9th day of the month
九九 kuku multiplication table
九つ kokonotu nine
12: 丸
丸い marui, marukatta round, circular, spherical
丸める marumeru, marumeta make round, roll up, curl up
丸まる marumaru, marumatta become rounded, roll into a ball
丸で maru de quite, entirely, completely, at all; as if, as though, just like
maru circle; entire, whole, full, complete (prefix)
一丸 itigan one lump, one body, one group
丸ごと marugoto in its entirety, whole
13: 円
en yen; circle
円い marui, marukatta round, circular
14: 〇
maru circle; "correct" (when marking); zero
〇× marubatu right and wrong, true and false
〇〇 marumaru (symbol used as placeholder)
15: 人
一人 hitori one person; alone
七人 sitinin seven people
人々 hitobito people
hito man, person
ロシア人 rosiazin Russian
ユダヤ人 yudayazin Jew
三人 sannin three people
一人一人 hitorihitori each, individually, one by one
16: 百
九百 kyuu hyaku nine hundred
百日ぜき hyakunitizeki whooping cough
百人 hyakunin one hundred people
17: 千
八千円 hassenen 8000 yen
一千 issen one thousand
18: 万
一千万円 issen man en ten million yen
百万ぶんの一 hyaku man bun no iti one millionth
万一 man iti if by some chance, in the unlikely event that
19: 口
kuti mouth; opening, hole
口にする kuti ni suru taste, eat, drink; speak of, refer to, say
一口 hitokuti mouthful, morsel, bite; gulp, sip, draft
人口 zinkou population
口ばし kutibasi beak, bill
口うるさい kutiurusai, kutiurusaku nagging, faultfinding
20: 田
田んぼ tanbo paddy field, farm
ガス田 gasuden gas field
田口 Taguti
三田 Mita
21: 目
十日目 tookame tenth day
人目 hitome notice, attention, public eye
六人目 rokuninme sixth person
ひどい目にあう hidoi me ni au have a bad time, suffer
目につく me ni tuku be noticeable, catch one's eye
me eye, eyeball
お目にかかる ome ni kakaru meet (someone of higher status)
一目 hitome glance, look, glimpse
22: 川
kawa river, stream
川口 kawaguti mouth of the river, estuary
四川 sisen Sichuan
田川 Tagawa
川口 Kawaguti
千田川 Sendagawa
三川 Mikawa
23: 月
三日月 mikaduki new moon, crescent moon
一月 itigatu January
三月 sangatu March
十月 zyuugatu October
月日 gappi month and day (of the year), the date
お月さま otukisama moon
24: 明
明るい akarui, akarukatta light, well-lit; bright, brightly-colored; cheerful, bright, spirited
明らかな akiraka na clear, obvious, evident, plain, definite; bright, light
明月 meigetu bright moon, full moon
明かり akari light, illumination, glow
明日 asita tomorrow
月明かり tukiakari moonlight
mei brightness; discernment, insight, an eye for
うち明ける utiakeru, utiaketa confide, reveal, disclose
明る akuru next (day, morning, etc), following
25: 曜
月曜 getuyou Monday
日曜日 nitiyoubi Sunday
26: 火
のこり火 nokoribi embers
火口 higuti burner, nozzle, origin of a fire
hi fire, flame, blaze
火をつける hi o tukeru ignite, set fire to
火曜 kayou Tuesday
口火をきる kutibi o kiru get the ball rolling, fire the first shot
27: 水
mizu water
ソーダ水 sooda sui soda water
水っぽい mizuppoi watery
月水 getusui Mondays and Wednesdays
水曜日 suiyoubi Wednesday
水田 suiden (water filled) paddy field
三水 sanzui kanji water radical
水りく suiriku land and water
水川 Mizukawa
28: 木
木目 mokume grain (of wood)
木々 kigi trees, every tree, all kinds of trees
ki tree, shrub, bush
木曜日 mokuyoubi Thursday
木こり kikori woodcutter, lumberjack, logger
三木 Miki
八木 Yagi
29: 金
kane money
金曜日 kinyoubi Friday
kin gold
金ぞく kinzoku metal
口金 kutigane clasp, cap (metal)
金丸 Kanamaru
30: 土
土となる tuti to naru become earth, die
土がつく tuti ga tuku hit the dirt, be defeated
土木 doboku engineering works, civil engineering
土日 doniti Saturday and Sunday, weekend
土いじりする tutiiziri suru play with dirt, garden
土曜日 doyoubi Saturday
土田 Tutida
31: 本
二本 nihon two long cylindrical objects
一本 ippon one long cylindrical object
三本 sanbon three long cylindrical objects
二本目 nihonme the second long cylindrical object
日本人 nihonzin Japanese person
日本 nihon Japan
hon book, volume
本土 hondo mainland, country proper; native country, country of birth
本日 honzitu today, this day
本人 honnin the person in question, said person
六本木 Roppongi
本田 Honda
川本 Kawamoto
32: 東
higasi east
東口 higasiguti east exit
33: 大
大した taisita considerable, great, important (pre-noun adjectival)
大きい ookii, ookikatta big, large, great
大人 otona adult, grownup
大丸 Daimaru (department store chain)
大目な oome na magnanimous, tolerant
大金 taikin large amount of money, great cost
大いに ooi ni very much, greatly
大まかな oomaka na rough (estimate, outline), broad, general
大げさな oogesa na grandiose, exaggerated
大川 Ookawa
大木 Ooki
大田 Oota
34: 小
小さい tiisai, tiisakatta small, little, tiny
小金丸 Koganemaru
小川 Ogawa
小田 Oda
35: 中
水中 suityuu underwater
中ごろ nakagoro about the middle
一日中 iti niti tyuu all day long
十中八九 zyuu tyuu hakku in 8 or 9 cases out of ten, in all probability
中くらい tyuu kurai about medium, middle sized
中東 tyuutou Middle East
日中 nittyuu daytime, during the day
日本中 nihonzyuu throughout Japan
田中 Tanaka
中木 Nakagi
36: 生
生き生き ikiiki in a lively way, vividly, freshly, animatedly, energetically
生まれる umareru, umareta be born
生かす ikasu, ikasita make best use of, put to good use, leverage, capitalize on
生じる syouziru, syouzita produce, yield, cause; result from, arise, be generated
生きる ikiru, ikita live, exist; make a living, subsist; be in effect, be in use, function
人生 zinsei (human) life
生まれ umare birth, birthplace; born in (suffix)
生む umu, unda give birth to, bear, lay (eggs)
生ビール nama biiru draft beer
水生 suisei living in water, aquatic
一生 issyou whole life, lifetime, all through life
生える haeru, haeta grow, spring up, sprout
37: 山
yama mountain, hill
火山 kazan volcano
山がち yamagati mountainous
山東 Santou Shangong
円山 Maruyama
東山 Higasiyama
中山 Nakayama
丸山 Maruyama
山川 Yamakawa
山口 Yamaguti
38: 出
出る deru, deta leave, exit, go out, come out, get out; leave (on journey), depart, start out, set out
出す dasu, dasita take out, get out; put out, reveal, show
出かける dekakeru, dekaketa go out, leave, depart, start, set out; be about to leave, be just going out
出口 deguti exit, gateway, way out
日の出 hinode sunrise
むき出し mukidasi naked, bare, uncovered
出金する syukkin suru withdraw (money), pay, contribute, invest, finance
かけ出す kakedasu, kakedasita run off, start running
つき出す tukidasu, tukidasita push out, project, stick out
水玉 mizutama drop of water; polka dot
口出しする kutidasi suru interfere, meddle, butt in
口に出す kuti ni dasu, kuti ni dasita express, put into words, say out loud
39: 入
入る hairu, haitta enter, go into; join, enroll
入り iri entering (suffix); containing (suffix)
入れる ireru, ireta put in, let in, take in, bring in, insert, install, set; admit, accept, employ
入口 iriguti entrance, entry, gate, approach
日の入り hinoiri sunset
出入り deiri going in and out, exiting and entering
入れずみ irezumi tattoo
40: 下
下げる sageru, sageta hang, suspend, wear (a decoration); lower, reduce, bring down
下ろす orosu, orosita take down, bring down, lower (hand, flag), drop (anchor, curtain), let down (hair), launch (boat); drop off (passenger), let off, unload (goods)
下さる kudasaru, kudasatta give, confer, bestow
sita below, down, under, younger
川下り kawakudari going downstream (in a boat)
下る kudaru, kudatta descend, go down, come down
下水 gesui drainage, ditch, gutter; sewage, waste water
の下で no moto de under, beneath (preceding noun)
の下に no moto ni under, beneath (preceding noun)
ぶら下がる burasagaru, burasagatta hand down (from), dangle, swing
木下 Kinosita
下田 Simoda
下川 Simokawa
41: 上
ue above, up, over
上る noboru, nobotta ascend, go up, climb
上がる agaru, agatta rise, go up, come up, ascend, be raised
くみ上げる kumiageru, kumiageta draw (water), scoop up, pump up
水上 suizyou aquatic, on the water
川上 Kawakami
上田 Ueda
42: 止
止める tomeru, tometa stop, turn off
口止めする kutidome suru forbid to speak, muzzle
中止する tyuusi suru suspend, stop, discontinue, interrupt
止む yamu, yanda cease, stop, be over
43: 正
正しい tadasii, tadasikatta right, correct; proper, righteous, just
正す tadasu, tadasita correct, rectify, reform, amend, redress
正に masa ni exactly, surely, certainly, just; right then, just then, at that moment
お正月 osyougatu New Year (esp. first 3 days)
大正 Taisyou
44: 足
asi foot
足す tasu, tasita added to (number)
足る taru, tatta be sufficient, be enough; be worth doing, deserve
足りる tariru, tarita be sufficient, be enough
一足 issoku one pair (of shoes, socks)
一足 hitoasi a step
足を止める asi o tomeru stop walking, pause
土足 dosoku shod feet, wearing shoes
45: 定
一定 ittei fixed, settled, constant, definite, uniform, regularized, standardized
定める sadameru, sadameta decide, determine
定かな sadaka na definite, sure
定木 zyougi (measuring) ruler
ねらいを定める nerai o sadameru take aim at, set one's sights on
46: 手
手足 teasi hands and feet; limbs
te hand, arm
上手い umai, umakatta skillful, clever, expert, wise, successful; delicious, appetizing, tasty
下手な heta na unskillful, poor, awkward
手も足も出ない te mo asi mo denai cannot do a thing, feeling handcuffed, being at end of one's tether, being at wit's end
上手な zyouzu na skillful, skilled, proficient, good (at), adept, clever
手に入れる te ni ireru, te ni ireta obtain
手が出る te ga deru, te ga deta resort to violence, use force, get physical; be able to get, be able to afford, be within one's reach
入手する nyuusyu suru acquire, obtain, come into hand
土手 dote embankment, bank
手出しする tedasi suru interfere, meddle
手ざわり tezawari feel, touch
手がかり tegakari clue, lead; handhold, hold
山手 Yamanote
47: 用
用いる motiiru, motiita use, make use of, utilize
you use, purpose; need
ご用 goyou (your) business, (your) concern, (your) need
上田さんに用 Ueda san ni you need of Ueda
日用 nitiyou daily use
用を足す you o tasu take care of some business, go on an errand
用人 younin manager, steward, factotum; useful person
48: 無
無水 musui anhydrous, absolute (alcohol)
mu nothing, naught, nil, zero
無人 muzin unmanned, uninhabited, unattended, deserted
無足 musoku legless, apodal
無用な muyou na useless, futile; unnecessary, needless
無い nai nonexistent, not being (there); unowned, unpossessed, not had
無口な mukuti na taciturn, reticent, quiet, silent
無くす nakusu, nakusita lose (something), mislay; get rid of, eliminate
49: 不
不明な humei na unclear, obscure, indistinct, uncertain, ambiguous
不足 husoku insufficiency, deficiency, shortage, lack, scarcity, deficit
不足する husoku suru be in short supply
水不足 mizubusoku water shortage
不ぞろい huzoroi uneven, irregular, non-uniform, unsorted, odd, miscellaneous
不正 husei injustice, unfairness, wrongdoing, iniquity, impropreity, dishonesty, fraud
金不足 kanebusoku shortage of money
50: 回
かき回す kakimawasu, kakimawasita stir, churn, poke (a fire), disturb (water)
回す mawasu, mawasita turn, rotate, spin, twist, gyrate
回る mawaru, mawatta turn, revolve
三回 sankai three times
回りくどい mawarikudoi, mawarikudokatta circuitous, roundabout, indirect
上回る uwamawaru, uwamawatta exceed (profits, unemployment rate), surpass, be more than, be better than
51: 言
言い回し iimawasi expression, phraseology, turn of phrase
言う iu, itta say, utter, declare; name, call
一言 hitokoto single word, a few words, brief comment
言い足す iitasu, iitasita say something additional, add (to what was said before)
二言 hutakoto two words
言明する genmei suru declare, state, assert
無言 mugon silence, muteness
52: 舌
sita tongue
舌足らずに sitatarazu ni with a lisp
舌がもつれる sita ga motureru speak unclearly, slur one's words, lisp
53: 話
hanasi talk, speech, conversation, chat; topic, subject
手話 syuwa sign language
話す hanasu, hanasita talk, speak, converse, chat; tell, explain, narrate, mention, describe, discuss
話中 hanasityuu busy (phone); in talk, discussion underway
話し手 hanasite speaker; one skilled at speaking
話しかける hanasikakeru, hanasikaketa address (someone), accost a person, talk (to someone); begin a talk, start a conversation
54: 活
活用する katuyou suru make pratical use of, apply
活かす ikasu, ikasita make the best use of, put to good use, leverage, capitalize on
生活する seikatu suru live, subsist, earn a living
活火山 kakkazan active volcano
55: 行
行く iku, itta go, move, head, be transported (towards), reach; proceed, take place
gyou line of text, row, verse
行う okonau, okonatta perform, do, conduct oneself, carry out
yuki bound for (suffix)
一行 ikkou party, group, troop, company
行い okonai deed, act, action, conduct, behavior
行き止まり ikidomari dead end, cul-de-sac
56: 心
小心な syousin na timid, cowardly
用心する youzin suru take care, take precautions, guard against, be cautious, be careful
kokoro mind, heart, spirit
無心する musin suru pester someone (for cash)
一心に issin ni whole heartedly, single-mindedly, fervently, intently
本心 honsin true feelings, real intention, one's heart
中心 tyuusin center, middle, heart, core, focus
心中 sinzyuu double suicide, lovers' suicide
心行く kokoroyuku, kokoroyuita be completely satisfied, be completely contented
57: 耳
mimi ear
耳にする mimi ni suru to hear, to hear by chance, catch (a sound)
耳たぶ mimitabu earlobe
耳かき mimikaki earpick
中耳 tyuuzi middle ear
58: 又
又は mata wa or, either ... or
mata again, once more, once again, another time; also, too, as well, likewise
59: 取
取るに足らない toru ni taranai insignificant, inconsequential, trifling, negligible
取り出す toridasu, toridasita take out, produce, pick out; fetch, retrieve
取っ手 totte handle, grip, knob
取る toru, totta take, pick up, grab, catch; pass, hand, give; get, obtain, acquire, win, recieve, earn
日取り hidori fixed day, appointed day
取りけす torikesu, torikesita cancel, withdraw, retract, take back, revoke
取り上げる toriageru, toriageta pick up; adopt (proposal), acept, take up (topic)
取りのぞく torinozoku, torinozoita remove, deinstall, take away
足取り asidori gait, walk
取り入れる toriireru, toriireta harvest, reap; adopt, accept
60: 身
身なり minari dress, attire, clothing, outfit
中身 nakami contents, interior, substance, filling
出身 syussin person's origin
心身 sinsin mind and body
身の上話 minouebanasi life story, personal narrative, story of one's life
小身 syousin humble position
身の回り minomawari personal belongings, one's vicinity, one's daily life, everyday necessities
mi main part, meat
身ぶり miburi gesture, motion
身じろぎ mizirogi stirring, slight movement
61: 休
休止する kyuusi suru pause, cease
小休止 syoukyuusi short break, breather
休日 kyuuzitu holiday, day off
一休みする hitoyasumi suru take a (short) rest, take a break
休む yasumu, yasunda be absent, take the day off; rest, have a break
休み yasumi rest, recess, respite; vacation, holiday, absence
定休日 teikyuubi regular holiday, fixed day off
無休 mukyuu without holiday, nonstop
お休み oyasumi Good night
休火山 kyuukazan dormant volcano
休まる yasumaru be rested, feel at ease, repose
心休まる kokoroyasumaru feel at ease, feel relaxed
62: 体
大体 daitai outline, main points, gist; generally, on the whole, mostly, almost
一体 ittai (what) the heck, (why) in the world, (who) on earth
karada body; torso, trunk
人体 zintai human body
正体 syoutai true character, true form, true colors
身体 sintai body, physical system, person
体中 karadazyuu all over the body, from head to foot
身体中 sintaizyuu all over the body, from head to foot
63: 信
信じる sinziru, sinzita believe, believe in, place trust in, confide in
信用する sinyou suru confide, trust, have faith in
信心 sinzin faith, belief, piety, devotion
不信心 husinzin impiety, infidelity
64: 付
火を付ける hi o tukeru ignite, set fire to; spark (an incident), inflame (a situation)
火が付く hi ga tuku catch fire, provoke, be ignited
付き tuki furnished with, including (suffix)
付く tuku, tuita be attached, be connected with, adhere, stick, cling; remain imprinted, scar, stain, dye; be lit
取り付ける toritukeru, torituketa furnish, install
身に付ける mi ni tukeru, mi ni tuketa learn, acquire knowledge; carry, wear (clothes), put on
うそを付く uso o tuku, uso o tuita tell a lie, fib
目に付く me ni tuku, me ni tuita be noticeable, notice, catch one's eye
日付 hiduke (calendar) date, dating
付言する hugen suru say in addition, add as a postscript, make additional remarks
口付け kutiduke kiss
65: 受
受信する zyusin suru receive (message, letter, email, radio/tv broadcast
受け止める uketomeru, uketometa catch, stop the blow; take (advice), accept
受ける ukeru, uketa receive, get; sustain (damage), incur (a loss)
受け入れる ukeireru, ukeireta accept, receive, agree
受け身 ukemi passive attitude, passivity, passiveness
受付 uketuke reception (desk), information desk
受け取る uketoru, uketotta receive, get, accept; interpret, understand
受取人 uketorinin recipient
受かる ukaru, ukatta pass (an examination)
66: 以
以上 izyou and up, and more, not less than
以下 ika and below, and downwards, not exceeding
以て motte on (day, date), at (time), as of (day or time)
67: 立
立体 rittai solid body, three dimensional object
立つ tatu, tatta stand, rise, stand up
目立つ medatu, medatta be conspicuous
立ち上げる tatiageru, tatiageta start (something), start up, boot (a computer), launch (a business)
立ち上がる tatiagaru, tatiagatta stand up, get up; rise; recover
中立 tyuuritu neutrality
立ちっぱなし tatippanasi standing on one's feet for a long time
立ち止まる tatidomaru, tatidomatta stop (in one's tracks), come to a stop, halt, pause, stand still
立てる tateru, tateta build, construct; thrust into, dig into; make (noise), start (rumor)
足立 Adati
立川 Tatikawa
立山 Tateyama
68: 部
下部 kabu lower part
中部 tyuubu center, middle, heart
三部 sanbu three parts, three copies
東部 toubu eastern part, the east (of a region)
一部 itibu one part, one potion, one section, some
上部 zyoubu top part, surface
中心部 tyuusinbu central part, heart (of a city)
部下 buka subordinate person
部活 bukatu club activities, extracurricular activities
69: 倍
百万倍 hyakumanbai million-fold
bai twice, double
70: 成
成立する seiritu suru form, establish, materialize, come into existence
成り行き nariyuki course (of events), development, progress, outcome, result
成金 narikin upstart, nouveau riche, new money
大成する taisei suru complete, accomplish, attain greatness or success
成る naru, natta consist of, be composed of
成人 seizin adult, grownup
成す nasu, nasita build up, establish; form, become (a state)
成り立つ naritatu, naritatta consist, be made up of, be composed of
成り立ち naritati origin; structure, organization
生成する seisei suru create, generate, form
成田 Narita
71: 代
代わる kawaru, kawatta take the place of, substitute for, take over for, represent
代わり kawari another helping, seconds, refill
十代 zyuudai teens, teenage
代える kaeru, kaeta substitute (tr.)
ガス代 gasu dai gas bill
身代金 minosirokin ransom
取って代わる totte kawaru supplant, supersede, replace, take the place of
大正の代 taisyou no yo Taisho era
本代 hondai money for books
代々 daidai generation after generation, hereditary
代金 daikin price, cost, charge
dai charge, cost, price
田代 Tasiro
千代 Tiyo
代々木 Yoyogi
72: 王
大王イカ daiou ika giant squid
王手する oute suru put in check (shogi)
ou king, ruler, sovereign, monarch
73: 玉
tama ball, sphere, globe, orb
目玉 medama eyeball
百円玉 hyakuendama 100 yen coin
玉ねぎ tamanegi onion
大目玉 oomedama good scolding
74: 宝
宝さがし takara sagasi treasure hunting
宝玉 hougyoku jewel
宝くじ takarakuzi lottery
75: 国
国々 kuniguni countries
大国 taikoku large country, major nation, great power
中立国 tyuuritukoku neutral counry
中国 tyuugoku China
国宝 kokuhou national treasure
王国 oukoku kingdom, monarchy
kuni country, state
小国 syoukoku small country
明白な meihaku na obvious, clear, plain, apparent, explicit, overt
白金 hakkin platinum
国王 kokuou king, queen, monarch, sovereign
国立 kokuritu national
東国 Higasikuni
76: 白
白ワイン siro wain white wine
白人 hakuzin white person
白日 hakuzitu bright sunshine, broad daylight
白い siroi, sirokatta white
白山 Sirayama
白田 Sirata
白川 Sirakawa
目白 Meziro
77: 皇
皇国 koukoku Japan, the Japanese empire
上皇 zyoukou retired emperor, former emperor
78: 全
全部 zenbu all, entire, whole, altogether
全て subete everything, all, the whole; entirely, completely, wholly, all
全体 zentai whole, entirety, whatever (is the matter)
万全の banzen no perfect, flawless
万全のさく banzen no saku safe plan, infallible measure
全国 zenkoku the whole country
全土 zendo whole nation, whole land, whole country
全身 zensin whole body, full-length
79: 書
syo book document (suffix)
全書 zensyo complete book, complete set, treatise
書く kaku, kaita write, compose, pen; draw, paint
下書きする sitagaki suru draft, make a rough copy
上書きする uwagaki suru overwrite
手書き tegaki handwritten
白書 hakusyo white paper
書き出す kakidasu, kakidasita begin to write out, wrote out, export (file), extract
80: 事
大事な daizi na important, serious, crucial
koto thing, matter; incident, occurrence, event, trouble, crisis
用事 youzi tasks, things to do, errand, business (to take care of)
万事 banzi all, everything
無事 buzi safety, peace, quietness
火事 kazi fire, conflagration
行事 gyouzi event, function
山火事 yamakazi forest fire, wildfire
大事にする daizi ni suru take good care of, treasure
81: 自
自明 zimei self-evident, obvious, axiomatic, self-explanatory, trival
自信 zisin self-confidence
自身 zisin self, oneself
自ら mizukara oneself; for one's self, personally
自体 zitai itself
自活 zikatu self-support
自白する zihaku suru confess, acknowledge
自信をもって zisin o motte with confidence
自立する /ziritu suru// be independent, be self-reliant
82: 貝
kai shellfish
宝貝 takaragai cowrie shell
貝がら kaigara seashell, shell
83: 見
見る miru, mita see, look, watch, view, observe; examine, look over, assess
見える mieru, mieta be seen, be in sight; look, seem, appear
見つかる mitukaru, mitukatta be found, be discovered
見付ける mitukeru, mituketa discover, find, come across, detect
見下ろす miorosu, miorosita overlook, command a view of, look down on
見なす minasu, minasita consider as, regard (as equivalent), deem (as), equate
見下す mikudasu, mikudasita look down on, condescend to
見た目 mitame appearance, looks
一見 ikken look, glimpse, glance
見つけ出す mitukedasu, mitukedasita find out, discover, locate
見回す mimawasu, mimawasita look around, survey
見い出す miidasu, miidasita find out, discover
お見事 omigoto well done! bravo!
見事な migoto na spendid, magnficent, excellent
見下す mikudasu, mikudasita look down on, condescend to
見つめる mitumeru, mitumeta stare at, gaze at
見本 mihon sample, specimen
見なす minasu, minasita consider as, regard, deem, equate
84: 力
体力 tairyoku stamina, endurance, physical strength
全力 zenryoku all one's strength, one's utmost
力む rikimu, rikinda strain (oneself), exert one's strength
tikara force, strength, might, vigor, energy; capability, ability, proficiency
自力 ziriki one's own strength, one's own efforts
生活力 seikaturyoku vitality, ability to earn a living
入力する nyuuryoku suru input (data), enter
活力 katuryoku vitality, energy
人力 zinriki human power, human strength
85: 刀
山刀 yamagatana woodman's hatchet
小刀 kogatana (small) knife
日本刀 nihontou Japanese sword (usually single-bladed and curved)
大刀 daitou long sword
刀身 tousin knife blade, sword blade
86: 切
一切れ hitokire slice, small piece
切り口 kirikuti cut, opening, slit
切り取る kiritoru, kiritotta cut off, excise, tear off
切る kiru, kitta cut, cut through; sever (ties, connection); turn off
千切り sengiri finely cut, shredded
大切な taisetu na important, necessary, indispensable
二切れ hutakire two slices, two pieces
切り身 kirimi cut, slice (meat, fish), fillet
信じ切る sinzikiru, sinzikitta be certain of, have faith in, believe, trust
自切 zisetu self amputation
一切 issai all, everything, entirety; absolutely (not), (not) at all, (none) whatsover
切れる kireru, kireta break, snap, split, crack; expire
斬り付ける kiritukeru, kirituketa cut at, slash at
切り出す kiridasu, kiridasita begin the talk, break the ice, broach
小切手 kogitte check (i.e. bank order)
大切にする taisetu ni suru cherish, treasure; take good care of, look after
ぶつ切り butugiri chunk, lump, thick slice
切手 kitte (postage) stamp
87: 刃
ha edge (of knife)
刀刃 touzin sword blade
白刃 hakuzin drawn sword, naked sword
自刃 zizin suicide by sword
88: 分
hun minute
三分 sanpun three minutes
三分の一 sanbun no iti one third, a third part
三分する sanbun suru divide into three parts, trisect
八分 happun eight minutes
十分 zyuppun ten minutes
bun part, segment, share, ration
分ける wakeru, waketa divide (into), split (into), part, separate
部分 bubun portion, section, part
大部分 daibubun most part, greater part, majority
十分な zyuubun na enough, sufficient, plenty, adequate, satisfactory
自分 zibun self, myself, yourself, oneself, himself, herself
分かる wakaru, wakatta understand, comprehend, grasp
水分 suibun water, liquid, fluid, moisture, sap, juice
自分自身 zibunzisin onself, myself
身分 mibun social position, social status
見分ける miwakeru, miwaketa distinguish, recognize, tell apart
自分なり zibun nari (in) one's own way
大分 daibu considerably, greatly
成分 seibun ingredient, component
二人分 hutaribun portion for two people
89: 公
公にする ooyake ni suru make public
公立 kouritu public institution
公明正大な koumeiseidai na fair, just and upright, open and honest, aboveboard
公正な kousei na just, fair, impartial
公言する kougen suru declare, profess
公明な koumei na fair, open, impartial
90: 別
betu distinction, difference; separate, different, another
別人 betuzin different person, another person, someone else, changed man
別れる wakareru, wakareta part from (from someone); separate (a couple)
分別 hunbetu discretion, prudence, good sense
無分別な muhunbetu na thoughtless, indiscreet
別れ話 wakarebanasi talk about divorce or separation
別々 betubetu separate, respective
91: 長
長い nagai, nagakatta long
長さ nagasa length
長話 nagabanasi long talk
長い目で見る nagai me de miru look at the long term
長生き nagaiki longevity, long life
成長する seityou suru grow, develop, grow up, become an adult
生き長らえる ikinagaraeru, ikinagaraeta live long, survive
身長 sintyou height (of person), stature
tyou head, chief, leader
長田 Nagata
長人 Nagato
92: 男
otoko man, male
男らしい otoko rasii masculine
大男 oootoko giant
長男 tyounan eldest son, first-born son
小男 kootoko small man
三男 sannan third son
正男 Masao
93: 女
女中 zyotyuu maid, female servant
onna female, woman, female sex
男女 danzyo men and women, man and woman, both sexes, both genders
長女 tyouzyo eldest daughter, first-born daughter
女王 zyoou queen
女々しい memesii effeminate, unmanly, cowardly
三女 sanzyo third daughter
94: 子
ko child
子ども kodomo child
男の子 otoko no ko boy
女の子 onna no ko girl
分子 bunsi molecule; numerator
一人っ子 hitorikko only child
王子 ouzi prince
玉子 tamago eggs, egg, roe
男子 dansi youth, young man
女子 zyosi woman, girl
お子さん okosan child (honorific)
明子 Akiko
月子 Tukiko
95: 好
女好き onnazuki fondness for women, lustful man, womanizer
好きな suki na liked, well-liked, favorite; in love (with), loved
好み konomi liking, taste, choice
大好きな daisuki na loveable, very likeable, like very much
好む konomu, kononda like, prefer
好く suku, suita like, love, be fond of
好ましい konomasii, konomasiku likeable, desirable
96: 安
不安定 huantei instability, insecurity, crankiness
安心 ansin relief, peace of mind
安い yasui, yasukatta cheap, inexpensive
安全な anzen na safe, secure
安らかな yasuraka na peaceful, tranquil, calm, restful
不安 huan anxiety, unease, worry
安定な antei na steady, stable, balanced
公安 kouan public safety, public welfare
円安 enyasu cheap yen
安田 Yasuda
安部 Abe
97: 案
an idea, plan, proposal
立案する rituan suru plan, devise
案の定 an no zyou as expected, as usual, sure enough
案出する ansyutu suru invent, devise, think out
案ずる anzuru, ? be anxious or concerned about, ponder, fear
案じる anziru, anzita be anxious or concerned about, ponder, fear
98: 字
zi character, letter, written text; handwriting, penmanship
字体 zitai type, typeface, font
活字 katuzi printing type, movable type; printed text, print
正字 seizi traditional kanji
十字 zyuuzi cross, cruciform
99: 学
学生 gakusei student
中学生 tyuugakusei junior high school student
学力 gakuryoku scholastic aptitude
学ぶ manabu, manande study (in depth), learn, take lessons in
大学生 daigakusei university student
入学生 nyuugakusei new student
入学する nyuugaku suru matriculate, enroll
無学の mugaku no illiterate, ignorant
学長 gakutyou dean, university president
100: 父
titi (my) father
お父さん otousan (your) father
父子 husi father and child, father and son, father and daughter
代父 daihu godfather
101: 文
文学 bungaku literature
文書 bunsyo document, letter, writing
文字 mozi letter, character
大文字 oomozi uppercase letter, capital letter; large character, large writing
全文 zenbun whole passage, full text
公文書 koubunsyo official documents, archives
本文 honbun text (of book), body (of letter); this passage, this sentence
文体 buntai literary style
文明 bunmei civilization, culture
一文無し itimonnasi penniless, broke
102: 交
交代する koutai suru alternate with, change, relieve, substitute for
取り交わす torikawasu, torikawasita exchange, interchange
交付する kouhu suru deliver, issue, hand over, grant
交信する kousin suru correspond (via electronic means)
交わす kawasu, kawasita exchange; intersect, cross, interlace
交じる maziru, mazitta be mixed, be blended with, be combined; associate with, mingle with
国交 kokkou diplomatic relations
交わる maziwaru, maziwatta cross, intersect, join, meet
103: 校
学校 gakkou school
校正する kousei suru proofread
校長 koutyou principal (of a school)
本校 honkou this school, our school
小学校 syougakkou elementary school
104: 母
haha (my) mother
母校 bokou alma mater
お母さん okaasan (your) mother
父母 hubo father and mother, parents
母子 bosi mother and child, mother and son, mother and daughter
母の日 haha no hi Mother's Day
105: 毎
毎に goto ni each, every, at intervals of (suffix)
毎回 maikai every time, each round
毎月 maituki every month, each month
毎日 mainiti every day
毎土曜日 maidoyoubi every Saturday
106: 海
カスピ海 kasupikai Caspian Sea
umi sea, ocean, waters
東シナ海 higasi sina kai East China Sea
日本海 nihon kai Sea of Japan
海上 kaizyou on the sea, surface of the sea
公海 koukai high seas, international waters
海の日 umi no hi Ocean Day
海水 kaisui seawater, saltwater
上海 Syanhai Shanghai
七海 Nanami
小海 Koumi
107: 者
出身者 syussinsya alumnus, former inhabitant
文学者 bungakusya man/woman of letters
ばか者 bakamono moron, idiot
学者 gakusya scholar, academic
信者 sinzya believer, adherent, devotee
話者 wasya speaker, narrator
王者 ouzya king, monarch, ruler
百万長者 hyakumantyouzya millionaire
よそ者 yosomono stranger, outsider
mono person
不明者 humeisya missing person
108: 工
工事 kouzi construction work
大工 daiku carpenter
工学 kougaku engineering
工学部 kougakubu engineering department
人工 zinkou artificial, man-made
109: 式
正式な seisiki na in due form, official, formal
siki equation, formula, expression (suffix); ceremony (suffix); style (suffix)
一式 issiki complete set, all, everything
本式 honsiki formal, orthodox, in earnest
日本式 nihonsiki Japanese style
公式 kousiki official, formal
公式に kousiki ni officially, formally
110: 弐
ni two (used in legal documents)
111: 武
武者 musya warrior
武力 buryoku armed might, military power, the sword, force
武田 Takeda
東武 Toubu
112: 糸
糸口 itoguti beginning, start, first step; clue, lead, hint
金糸 kinsi gold thread
ito thread, yarn, string
生糸 kiito raw silk thread
113: 前
以前 izen ago, since, before, previous
前回 zenkai previous time, last time, previous installment
人前 ninmae portion of food
前日 zenzitu previous day, day before, eve, prior day, preceding day
事前 zizen prior, beforehand, in advance
前に mae ni ahead, before, ago
お前 omae you (familiar, male speech)
前身 zensin antecedents, ancestor, previous position, previous existence
人前 hitomae presence of other people, (in) public, (in) front of others
前書き maegaki preface, forward, preamble
前者 zensya the former
前もって maemotte in advance, beforehand
前川 Maekawa
114: 後
前後 zengo front and back, back and forth; before and after; around, about, approximately
後ろ usiro back, behind, rear
後ろ前 usiromae backwards
後回し atomawasi putting off, postponing
後者 kousya the latter
三十分後 sanzyuppun go thirty minutes later
ato behind, rear; after, later; remainder, rest
go after (suffix)
後部 koubu rear, stern
生後 seigo since birth, post-natal
後に noti ni afterwards, later
115: 午
午前 gozen morning, a.m.
午後 gogo afternoon, p.m.
正午 syougo noon, midday
116: 牛
子牛 kousi calf, veal
usi cattle, cow, bull, ox
牛耳る gyuuziru, gyuuzitta control, take the lead in, have under one's thumb
水牛 suigyuu water buffalo
117: 年
nen year
tosi year; age, years; old age
年上 tosiue older, senior
年月日 nengappi date
中年 tyuunen middle-aged, midlife
年に見える nen ni mieru look one's age, look old
生年月日 seinengappi birth date, dat of birth
年月 nengetu month and years, length of time
年代 nendai age, era, period
年金 nenkin annuity, pension
年生 nensei pupil in ... year, student in ... year
一年生 itinensei annual (plant); first year student
年をとる tosi o toru grow old, age
長年 naganen long time, many years
118: 件
事件 ziken event, affair, incident, case, plot, scandal, trouble
ken matter, affair, case, item, subject
用件 youken business, thing to be done, something that should be performed, information that should be conveyed
案件 anken matter (to discuss), item (on the agenda), issue, topic
119: 条
条目 zyoumoku article, clause, stipulation
条件付け zyoukentuke conditioning
条件 zyouken condition, term, requirement, prerequisite, qualification
信条 sinzyou creed, belief, conviction, article of faith
無条件 muzyouken unconditional
120: 化
文化 bunka culture, civilization
お化け obake goblin, monster, demon; ghost, apparition
中立化 tyuurituka neutralization
ka action of making something, -ification (suffix)
化ける bakeru, baketa take the form of (e.g. fox, raccoon dog), assume the shape of, turn oneself into
化学式 kagakusiki chemical formula
化身 kesin incarnation, impersonation, personification, avatar
文明化 bunmeika civilization
ナチ化する natika suru Nazify
成文化 seibunka codification
化け物 bakemono goblin, apparition, monster, ghost
121: 花
国花 kokka national flower
hana flower, blossom, bloom, petal
生け花 ikebana ikebana, Japanese art of flower arrangement
花見 hanami cherry blossom viewing, flower viewing
花火 hanabi fireworks
千花 Tika
122: 北
北海 hokkai northern sea
kita north
北部 hokubu northern part
東北 Touhoku Tohoku
北東 hokutou northeast
北川 Kitagawa
123: 比
比べる kuraberu, kurabeta compare, make a comparison
無比な muhi na peerless, unparalleled
見比べる mikuraberu, mikurabeta compare with the eye
124: 背
背部 haibu back
背比べ seikurabe comparing of heights, comparing of statures
背中 senaka back (of body)
背ける somukeru, somuketa turn (one's) face away, avert (one's) eyes
背く somuku, somuita run counter to, disobey, infringe
125: 車
車体 syatai car body, frame
kuruma car, automobile, vehicle; wheel
水車 suisya waterwheel
下車する gesya suru alight (from train, bus), get off, get out (of car)
人力車 zinrikisya rickshaw
車中 syatyuu in a train, on a train
126: 気
気取る kidoru, kidotta be affected, put on airs
正気 syouki sanity, consciousness, soberness
無気力な mukiryoku na apathetic, lethargic, languid
気がする ki ga suru feel (as if), have a feeling (that), have a hunch, get a sense (that)
大気 taiki atmosphere, air
気が付く ki ga tuku notice, become aware
本気 honki seriousness, earnestness, truth
気に入る ki ni iru like, be pleased with, be delighted with, take a liking to
気分 kibun feeling, mood
気にする ki ni suru mind, care about, worry
不人気な huninki na unpopular
活気 kakki energy, liveliness
人気者 ninkimono popular person, favorite
気を付ける ki o tukeru be careful, pay attention, take care
気前 kimae generosity
気体 kitai gas, vapor
人気の ninki no popular
気付く kiduku, kiduita notice, recognize, become aware of
生気 seiki life, vitality, verve, vigor
やる気 yaruki willingness (to do something), eagerness, motivation
お気に入り oki ni iri favorite
気力 kiryoku willpower, energy
大人気 daininki very popular, highly favored
気に入る ki ni hairu, haitta like, be pleased with
気立て kidate disposition, nature
127: 汽
汽車 kisya train, steam train
128: 性
女性 zyosei woman, female
男性 dansei man, male
性交 seikou sexual intercourse
活性化 kasseika stimulation (of economy), revitalization (of a town), rejuvenation, invigoration; activation (chemistry)
性別 seibetu gender, sex
不活性 hukassei inert (chemistry)
全身性 zensinsei systemic
129: 畑
田畑 tahata field (of rice and other crops)
ミカン畑 mikan batake tangerine orchard
花畑 hanabatake flower garden, flower bed, field of flowers
畑山 Hatakeyama
田畑 Tabata
川畑 Kawabata
130: 青
青年 seinen youth, young man
青白い aoziroi, aozirokatta pale, pallid; bluish-white
青い aoi, aokatta blue, azure; green (archaic or for traffic light, fruits, vegetables)
青の ao no blue, azure; green (archaic)
青ざめる aozameru, aozameta become pale, turn pale
青カビ ao kabi blue mold
青木 Aoki
青山 Aoyama
青田 Aota
131: 麦
大麦 oomugi barley
mugi wheat, barley, oats
蕎麦 soba buckwheat; buckwheat noodles, soba
小麦 komugi wheat
オート麦 ooto mugi oat, oats
ライ麦 rai mugi rye
132: 素
素人 sirouto amateur, layman, novice
素案 soan rough plan, draft
水素 suiso hydrogen
素手 sude bare hand, empty hand
素足 suasi barefoot
133: 毒
無毒 mudoku non-poisonous, non-toxic
中毒性 tyuudokusei poisonous, toxic, addictive
気の毒に ki no doku ni regrettable, sorrowful, pitiable
中毒 tyuudoku poisoning; addiction
毒舌 dokuzetu wicked tongue, abusive language
doku poison, toxicant
毒素 dokuso toxin, poisonous substance
お気の毒 oki no doku I am sorry (to hear), a pity
134: 先
saki previous, prior, former; ahead; front, head (of a line)
口先 kutisaki lip service, mere words
先日 senzitu the other day, a few days ago
先生 sensei teacher, instructor, master
先見 senken foresight, anticipation
先月 sengetu last month
行き先 ikisaki destination
先行する senkou suru precede, go first, lead
刃先 hasaki edge (of a blade)
先に saki ni previously; first
先ず mazu first, before anything else
手先 tesaki fingers, fingertips; underling, stooge
135: 洗
洗う arau, aratta wash, cleanse, rinse
手洗い tearai washroom, restroom
水洗する suisen suru wash with water, rinse, flush
洗車する sensya suru wash a car
136: 元
元素 genso element, chemical element
身元 mimoto person's identity, ID, past, background
元気な genki na lively, full of spirt, energetic
元々 motomoto originally, from the start, by nature
足元 asimoto at one's feet, underfoot; gait, pace
火の元 hi no moto possible cause of fire
手元 temoto at hand, on hand, nearby, close at hand
元金 gankin capital, principal
元どおり motodoori as before, as ever, as it was originally
moto origin, source
137: 光
光る hikaru, hikatta shine, glitter
hikari light; illumination, ray
月光 gekkou moonlight
日光 nikkou sunlight, sunshine
光明 koumyou bright light; hope, bright future
光年 kounen light year
日光 Nikkou
138: 去
去年 kyonen last year
取り去る torisaru, torisatta remove, eliminate
立ち去る tatisaru, tatisatta leave, depart
去る saru, satta leave, go away
139: 法
海事法 kaizihou maritime law
無法者 muhoumono outlaw
成文法 seibunhou statutory law
不法な huhou na unlawful, illegal
hou law, act, principle
法学者 hougakusya jurist
文法 bunpou grammar
法人 houzin corporation
法案 houan bill (law), measure
法学部 hougakubu law department
手法 syuhou technique, method
140: 走
自走式 zisousiki self-propelled
走者 sousya runner
走り去る hasirisaru, hasirisatta run away, run off
走る hasiru, hasitta run; drive (a car)
走行中 soukoutyuu while running, while moving
走り書き hasirigaki scribbling, hasty writing
走り回る hasirimawaru, hasirimawatta run around
口走る kutibasiru, kutibasitta blurt out, let slip
走り出す hasiridasu, hasiridasita begin to run
141: 当
本当 hontou truth, reality, fact
当たり atari hit; success; per, each (suffix)
正当な seitou na just, right, due, proper
本当に hontou ni truly, really
当たり前の atarimae no natural, reasonable, obvious; usual, common
人当たりがいい hitoatari ga ii having sociable manners, sociable
八つ当たりする yatuatari suru vent one's anger, take one's anger out on
見当 kentou estimate, guess, conjecture
言い当てる iiateru, iiateta guess right
日当たり hiatari exposure to the sun, sunny place
当たる ataru, atatta hit, strike; win (lottery)
当日 touzitu appointed day, day in question
当事者 touzisya person concerned, interested party
不当な hutou na unjust, improper, unreasonable
見当る miataru, miatatta be found
142: 思
思う omou, omotta think, consider, believe; think (of doing), plan (to do)
思い出 omoide memories, recollections, reminiscence
思い出す omoidasu, omoidasita recall, remember, recollect
思いやり omoiyari consideration, thoughfulness, sympathy
思い切り omoikiri to one's heart's content, as much as one wants, as hard as one can
思い付き omoituki plan, idea, suggestion
思案する sian suru think carefully, consider, deliberate
思い切る omoikiru, omoikitta give up all thoughts of, abandon; make up one's mind, take a momentous decision
思い止まる omoitodomaru, omoitodomatta give up (a plan), desist from (doing)
思い当たる omoiataru, omoiatatta to suddenly understand, recall
思いがけず omoigakezu unexpectedly, surprisingly
思い切って omoikitte resolutely, boldy
思わず omowazu unconsciously, involuntarily, instinctively
思いつく omoituku, omoituita think of, hit upon
思える omoeru, omoeta seem, appear likely
143: 早
手早い tebayai, tebayakatta nimble, quick, agile
早出しする hayadasi suru ship earlier than usual
早い hayai, hayakatta fast, quick; early
早まる hayamaru, hayamatta be brought forward, be moved up; be hasty, be rash
足早な asibaya na fast walking, quick, brisk
素早い subayai, subayakatta quick, swift, nimble
早々 sousou as soon as, soon after; hurriedly, in haste
早め hayame early, earlier than usual; faster than usual
早める hayameru, hayameta bring forward (to an earlier time), advance, hasten
早立ち hayadati early morning departure
早川 Hayakawa
144: 草
草本 souhon herbaceous plant, herb
草木 kusaki plants, vegetation
草書体 sousyotai highly cursive style, grass style
kusa grass, weed, herb
草案 souan draft (for speech, bill)
毒草 dokusou poisonous plant
145: 朝
朝日 asahi morning sun
毎朝 maiasa every morning
王朝 outyou dynasty
asa morning
早朝 soutyou early morning
元朝 Gentyou Yuan (dynasty)
明朝 Mintyou Ming (dynasty)
146: 潮
sio tide, current; salt water
潮水 siomizu salt water, brine
147: 形
無定形な muteikei na formless, shapeless
花形 hanagata floral pattern, flourish; star (actor, player)
円形 enkei round shape, circular form
形式 keisiki form (as opposed to substance), formality
形成する keisei suru form, mold, give form to
ボタン形 botangata button-shapped
katati form, shape, figure
成形する seikei suru cast, mold
人形 ningyou doll, puppet, figure
体形 taikei figure, body shape, build
無形 mukei abstract, immaterial, intangible
字形 zikei character style, character shape
手形 tegata draft, promissory note
148: 発
出発する syuppatu suru depart
活発な kappatu na lively, active, vigorous
発見する hakken suru discover, detect
発行する hakkou suru publish, issue (newspaper, journal)
発明する hatumei suru invent
発つ tatu, tatta depart
発光体 hakkoutai luminous body
発光する hakkou suru emit light, radiate light, luminesce
発する hassuru, hassita let out, utter, produce, emit
発生する hassei suru break out, spring forth, occur; generate (power)
一発 ippatu shot, charge, explosion; blow, punch
発言 hatugen statement, remark
発車する |hassya suru depart (e.g. train, car), start, leave
149: 廃
廃案 haian rejected bill
廃止する haisi suru abolish, repeal
廃る sutaru, sutatta go out of use, become obsolete, die out
150: 音
oto sound, noise, report; note (music)
本音 honne real intention, motive, true opinion
発音 hatuon pronunciation
足音 asioto sound of footsteps
母音 boin vowel
子音 siin consonant
不活発 hukappatu dull, sluggish, inactive
音信 onsin correspondence, news, letter
花音 Kanon
151: 意
意見 iken opinion, view, comment
生意気な namaiki na impertinent, saucy, cheeky
用意する youi suru prepare, arrange, provide
意見する iken suru reason with, share opinion with
不意な hui na sudden, abrupt, unexpected
好意 koui kindness, favor
文意 buni meaning of a sentence
152: 作
発作 hossa fit, spasm
作法 sahou manners, etiquette
無作法な busahou na ill-mannered, rude
不作法な busahou na ill-mannered, rude
不作 husaku poor crop, bad harvest
作る tukuru, tukutta make, produce, manufacture; prepare (food); raise, grow, cultivate
作成する sakusei suru draw up (contract, will), prepare, write
作者 sakusya creator, author, writer
作り話 tukuribanasi fiction, made-up story
手作り tedukuri handmade, homemade
作文 sakubun writing (essay, prose), composition
作用 sayou action, operation, effect
形作る katatidukuru, katatidukutta form, shape, make
153: 昨
昨日 kinou yesterday
昨年 sakunen last year
一昨年 issakunen year before last
一昨年 ototosi year before last
一昨日 ototoi day before yesterday
154: 雨
ame rain
小雨 kosame light rain, drizzle
大雨 ooame heavy rain
155: 電
発電 hatuden generation (of power)
電話 denwa telephone call; telephone
電気 denki electricity, light
電力 denryoku electrical power
電車 densya train, electric train
電話代 denwadai phone bill
電子レンジ densirenzi microwave oven
光電 kouden photoelectric
電信 densin telegraph
電子 densi electron; electronic
156: 頁
peezi page
157: 首
首になる kubi ni naru be sacked, be fired
元首 gensyu sovereign, ruler, head of state
手首 tekubi wrist
kubi neck
部首 busyu radical (of Chinese character or kanji)
足首 asikubi ankle
首長 syutyou head (of organization), chief; sheikh, emir
158: 道
人道 zindou humanity
miti road, path, street; route, way
水道 suidou water supply, water service
北海道 Hokkaidou
気道 kidou respiratory tract; air duct
書道 syodou calligraphy
道なりに mitinari ni along the road, along the street
小道 komiti path, lane
公道 koudou public road, highway
水道水 suidousui tap water
159: 通
その通り sono toori just like that, quite so
通り道 toorimiti passage, path, one's way
交通 koutuu traffic
交通する koutuu suru transport; communicate, exchange ideas
通す toosu, toosita stick through, force through; spread through
通り toori avenue, street, way, road
通る tooru, tootta go by, go past, pass through
通信 tuusin telecommunications
通信する tuusin suru correspond, communicate, transmit
見通し mitoosi perspective, vista; forecast, outlook
通気 tuuki ventilation, airflow
文字通り mozidoori literal; literally
通学 tuugaku commute to school
思い通りな omoidoori na as one expects, as one wants
大通り oodoori main street
二通 ni tuu two messages, two letters, two documents
通行 tuukou passage (of people, traffic), passing
通り doori in accordance with, following (suffix)
不通 hutuu suspension, interruption
通電 tuuden passage of electric current
通う kayou, kayotta go to and from (a place), go back and forth between; go to (school, work), commute
通学生 tuugakusei day student, commuting student
人通り hitodoori pedestrian traffic
通じる tuuziru, tuuzita be open to, lead to, communicate with
160: 乳
牛乳 gyuunyuu (cow's) milk
乳母 uba wet nurse, nursing mother
乳首 tikubi nipple, teat
乳ぶさ tibusa breast, udder
161: 豆
mame legume, bean, pea
小豆 azuki adzuki bean
豆乳 tounyuu soy milk
豆本 mamehon (a tiny book smaller than 1cm)
青豆 aomame green soy beans; green peas
大豆 daizu soybean, soy
162: 頭
atama head
十頭 zyuu tou ten head (counter for large animals)
頭を下げる atama o sageru, atama o sageta bow, bow one's head
頭上 zuzyou overhead, above one's head
先頭 sentou lead, vanguard, first
口頭 koutou oral, verbal, spoken
出頭する syuttou suru appear, attend, be present
頭に入れる atama ni ireru, atama ni ireta keep in mind, memorize
頭文字 kasiramozi first letter of a word; initials
頭がいい atama ga ii bright, intelligent
頭取 toudori (bank) president
163: 予
予め arakazime beforehand, in advance
予言 yogen prediction, prophecy
予定 yotei plans, arrangment, schedule
予言者 yogensha prophet, prognosticator
予見する yoken suru foresee, divine
予定日 yoteibi scheduled date, expected date
164: 矛
矛先 hokosaki spearhead
165: 預
預言者 yogensha prophet, prognosticator
預かり azukari under custody, under supervision
預かる azukaru, azukatta look after, take care of, keep
預金する yokin suru deposit, put in a bank account
預ける azukeru, azuketa leave (in someone's keeping), put (in someone's care)
166: 句
文句 monku complaint, objection
成句 seiku idiom, set phrase
字句 ziku wording, way of expression
ku section of text; phrase
句作する kusaku suru compose haiku
167: 旬
中旬 tyuuzyun middle of a month, 11th to 20th day of a month
上旬 zyouzyun first 10 days of a month
syun season (for fruit, fish); in vogue, popular
旬日 zyunzitu ten-day period
168: 勺
syaku unit of volume, about 18 ml
169: 的
公的 kouteki public, official
文学的 bungakuteki literary
予言的 yogenteki prophetic
自発的 zihatuteki spontaneous, voluntary
目的 mokuteki purpose, goal, objective
化学的 kagakuteki chemical
発明的 hatumeiteki inventive
mato mark, target
-teki (suffix which forms adjective from noun), -y, -ish, -like
法的 houteki legal
全体的 zentaiteki overall, on the whole
性的 seiteki relating to gender; sexual
文化的 bunkateki cultural
170: 約
yaku about, approximately
先約 senyaku previous engagement
予約 yoyaku reservation, appointment
条約 zyouyaku treaty, pact
公約する kouyaku suru pledge, promise in public
約言する yakugen suru summarize
171: 勿
勿体 mottai superior airs, air of importance
172: 物
無生物 museibutu inanimate object
公物 koubutu public property, public good
毒物 dokubutu toxic substance, poison
本物 honmono genuine article, real deal
butu stock, products
mono thing, object, article, stuff, substance
宝物 takaramono treasure, prized possession
生き物 ikimono living creature, animal, life
人物 zinbutu person, character, figure
生物 seibutu living thing, organism, creature, life
物わかり monowakari understanding, sympathy, wisdom
比べ物 kurabemono something worthy of comparison, something being compared
安物 yasumono cheap article, poor quality article
大物 oomono important person, big shot
大好物 daikoubutu favorite food
のこり物 nokorimono leftovers
物事 monogoto things, everything
物体 buttai object, body, solid
作物 sakumotu crops, produce, farm products
廃物 haibutu scrap, junk, waste material
見物する kenbutu suru go sightseeing
173: 方
行方 yukue (one's) whereabouts; destination, where one is headed
前方 zenpou forward, ahead
hou direction, way, side
方法 houhou method, process, manner, means
立方体 rippoutai cube
話し方 hanasikata way of talking, speaking style
母方 hahakata on the mother's side
後方 kouhou behind, in the rear
一方 ippou one way, the other way; just keeps, continuously (suffix)
作り方 tukurikata construction, workmanship, way of making
その一方 sono ippou meanwhile, in the meantime
言い方 iikata way of saying (something), wording, phrasing
下方 kahou lower region, lower part
正方形 seihoukei square
やり方 yarikata way of doing, manner, method
あなた方 anatagata you (plural)
明け方 akegata dawn
方形 houkei square
174: 防
防止する bousi suru prevent, check
防ぐ husegu, huseida defend against, protect against
予防する yobou suru prevent, take precautions against
防音する bouon suru soundproof
国防 kokubou national defense
防水をする bousui o suru make waterproof
175: 面
面白い omosiroi, omosirokatta interesting, fascinating; amusing, funny
当面 toumen current, urgent, pressing
月面 getumen lunar surface
物事の明るい面を見る monogoto no akarui men o miru look on the bright side
面する men suru face, look out on
面白み omosiromi interest, appeal, attraction
正面 syoumen front, facade
方面 houmen direction, district, area
men face; mask
海面 kaimen sea level
内面 naimen inside, internal
内面化する naimenka suru internalize
水面下 suimenka underwater
一面 itimen one face, one surface; one aspect, one side
十面体 zyuumentai decahedron
176: 画
山水画 sansuiga landscape picture
字画 zikaku stroke count (in Chinese character)
二画 ni kaku two strokes
画面 gamen screen (of TV, computer)
画一的 kakuituteki uniform, standard
画する kaku suru mark off, demarcate; plan, map out
177: 両
車両 syaryou railroad cars, wheeled vehicles
両方 ryouhou both, both sides
両刃 ryouba double-edged
両面 ryoumen both sides, double-sided
両用 ryouyou dual use
両手 ryoute both hands, both arms
178: 岡
岡山 Okayama
上岡 Kamioka
岡田 Okada
岡本 Okamoto
長岡 Nagaoka
179: 満
不満足な humanzoku na dissatisfied, discontented
満ちる mitiru, mitita become full, be filled, brim
満タン mantan full tank (of gas)
不満な human na dissatisfied, discontented, having a complaint
満たす mitasu, mitasita satisfy, meet (demands); fill, supply
満々な manman na full of, brimming with
満月 mangetu full moon
満潮 mantyou high tide
満ち足りる mititariru, mititarita be content, have enough, be happy
満足な manzoku na satisfied, content
円満な enman na harmonious, peaceful, amicable
満足する manzoku suru be satisifed, be content
180: 顔
kao face, visage; look, expression
洗顔する sengan suru wash one's face
素顔 sugao face without makeup
顔面 ganmen face (of a person)
顔つき kaotuki looks, features, expression
丸顔 marukao round face
181: 産
生産的な seisanteki na productive
出産 syussan childbirth, delivery, parturition
産まれる umareru, umareta be born
物産 bussan product
産む umu, unda give birth, bear
国産 kokusan domestic, domestically produced
182: 同
同じ onazi same, identical, equal, uniform, similar
同意する doui suru agree, consent
同意見 douiken the same opinion
同化する douka suru assimilate, absorb
同上 douzyou as above, ditto
同一 douitu identical, same, equal
一同 itidou all present, all concerned
同行する doukou suru accompany, travel together
同定する doutei suru identify
183: 向
方向 houkou direction, orientation
向かう mukau, mukatta face; go towards
向く muku, muita turn toward, look; face, look out on; be fit for
上向き uwamuki pointing up
北向 kitamuki facing north
向上する kouzyou suru elevate, rise, improve
背を向ける se o mukeru, se o muketa pretend not to see, turn one's back on
向こう mukou opposite side, other side; over there, that way
向かい mukai facing, opposite, across the street
向き muki direction, orientation; suitable for (suffix)
両方向 ryouhoukou both directions, two-way
意向 ikou intention, inclination
下向き sitamuki pointing down
184: 尚
尚又 naomata further, besides, moreover
尚早な syousou na premature
尚の事 nao no koto all the more
185: 高
高年 kounen old age
高校 koukou high school
生産高 seisandaka yield, output, production
高い takai, takakatta high, tall; expensive
背が高い se ga takai, se ga takatta tall (of person)
高まる takamaru, takamatta rise, swell
高じる kouziru, kouzita be aggravated, get worse
高木 takagi tall tree
高岡 Takaoka
高木 Takagi
高山 Takayama
186: 圧
水圧 suiatu water pressure, hydraulic
電圧 denatu voltage
圧力 aturyoku pressure, stress
圧す osu, osita apply pressure from above, press down
圧す assu, assita press; oppress, dominate
高圧的 kouatuteki high-handed, oppressive
気圧 kiatu atmospheric pressure
大気圧 taikiatu atmospheric pressure
高圧 kouatu high voltage, high pressure
187: 地
地元 zimoto hometown; local
草地 kusati grassland, meadow
高地 kouti high ground, plateau; high altitude
地形 tikei terrain, topography
心地よい kokotiyoi, kokotiyokatta comfortable, pleasant
心地いい kokotiii, kokotiyokatta comfortable, pleasant
土地 toti plot of land, lot
生地 kizi cloth, fabric; dough, batter
地面 zimen ground, earth's surface
見地 kenti point of view
地上 tizyou above ground, on the ground
ti earth, ground, land, soil
zi texture, fabric, material
地方 tihou district, region, locality
地中海 tityuukai Mediterranean Sea
目的地 mokutekiti destination
大地 Daiti
188: 池
電池 denti battery, cell
ike pond
用水池 yousuiike reservoir
小池 Koike
池田 Ikeda
池上 Ikegami
189: 他
他方 tahou one (of two), the other way; on the other hand
hoka other (thing, person, place), the rest
ta other (people, abstract matters)
他国 takoku foreign country, other country
他面 tamen other side; on the other hand
他人 tanin another person, other people
190: 集
集まり atumari gathering, collection, assembly
集まる atumaru, atumatta gather, collect, assemble (intransitive)
集める atumeru, atumeta gather, collect, assemble (transitive)
集金 syuukin money collection
集う tudou, tudotta meet, congregate
集中する syuutyuu suru concentrate, focus, converge
かき集める kakiatumeru, kakiatumeta gather up, scrape together, rake
191: 進
十進法 zyussinhou decimal system
進化 sinka evolution, progress
進行する sinkou suru move forward, move onward; advance, progress
進む susumu, susunda advance, go forward; precede, go ahead of
進める susumeru, susumeta advance, move foward, put forward (transitive)
行進する kousin suru march, parade
進学する singaku suru enter a higher-level school (esp. a university)
前進する zensin suru advance, move forward, progress
発進する hassin suru depart, take off
進んで susunde voluntarily, willingly
192: 込
込める komeru, kometa load (a gun), charge; put into (effort, emotion)
入り込む irikomu, irikonda go into, penetrate, step into (a house)
書き込む kakikomu, kakikonda fill in (field), fill out (form)
見込み mikomi hope, promise, possibility
しみ込む simikomu, simikonda soak into, permeate
つぎ込む tugikomu, tugikonda invest in, sink money into
193: 斤
一斤 ikkin one loaf
194: 近
近い tikai, tikakatta near, close
近道 tikamiti shortcut
近東 kintou Near East
付近 hukin neighborhood, vicinity
近代 kindai present day, modern times
近代化する kindaika suru modernize
近づける tikadukeru, tikaduketa bring near, let go near
身近な mizika na close to one, familiar
近づく tikaduku, tikaduita approach, get close
近年 kinnen recent years
195: 辺
辺り atari neighborhood, vicinity, surroundings
hen area, vicinity, region; side, edge (math)
近辺 kinpen neighborhood, vicinity
辺地 henti remote place
川辺 kawabe riverside, edge of the river
海辺 umibe beach, seashore, coast
田辺 Tanabe
196: 最
最大 saidai greatest, largest, maximum
最高 saikou highest, most, supreme
最後 saigo end, conclusion; last, final
最近 saikin recently, lately, these days
最も mottomo most, extremely
最高潮 saikoutyou climax, peak, zenith
197: 皿
皿洗い saraarai dish washing
受け皿 ukezara saucer
sara plate, dish, platter
二皿 hutasara two servings, two helpings
198: 血
高血圧 kouketuatu high blood pressure
無血 muketu bloodless
出血する syukketu suru bleed, hemorrhage
血だらけ tidarake bloodstained, bloody, gory
血止め tidome stopping bleeding, styptic
血の気 ti no ke hot bloodedness, impulsive temperament
199: 温
気温 kion air temperature
体温 taion body temperature (human, animal)
水温 suion water temperature
温める atatameru, atatameta warm, heat
温かい atatakai, atatakakatta considerate, kind, genial
温子 Atuko
200: 湿
湿気 sikke moisture, humidity
湿地 sitti wetland, bog, marsh
湿る simeru, simetta become damp, become wet
湿す simesu, simesita wet, moisten, dampen
湿っぽい simeppoi, simeppokatta damp, humid
201: 爪
tume nail, claw, talon
爪先 tumasaki toes, tiptoes
爪先立ち tumasakidati standing on tiptoes
202: 瓜
uri melon, gourd
水瓜 suika watermelon
瓜二つ urihutatu like two peas in a pod
203: 巾
頭巾 zukin hood, kerchief
204: 布
nuno cloth
布地 nunozi cloth, fabric
布巾 hukin dish cloth
温湿布 onsippu hot compress
分布する bunpu suru be distributed, allocated
画布 gahu canvas (for painting)
発布する happu suru proclaim, promulgate
公布する kouhu suru officially proclaim, announce, promulgate|
205: 市
朝市 asaiti morning market
si city
のみの市 nominoiti flea market
市立 siritu municipal, city
市電 siden streetcar, tram
市長 sityou mayor
iti market, fair
市川 Itikawa
206: 吊
首吊り kubituri hanging (by the neck)
吊るす turusu, turusita hang, hang up
吊る turu, tutta hang, suspend
吊り目 turime slant eyes
吊り下げる turisageru, turisageta suspend (something)
207: 泉
温泉 onsen hot spring
izumi spring, fountain
泉水 sensui garden pond; fountain
小泉 Koizumi
208: 原
二原子 nigensi diatomic
原産 gensan place of origin, habitat
原子力 gensiryoku atomic energy, nuclear power
原作 gensaku original work
草原 sougen grassland, meadow; savannah, prairie
高原 kougen tableland, plateau
原案 genan original plan, original bill
原生 gensei primeval, primordial
原田 Harada
上原 Uehara
北原 Kitahara
大原 Oohara
原口 Haraguti
209: 源
電源 dengen source of electricity, electrical power
minamoto source (of river), fountainhead; source, origin
水源 suigen source (of river), headwaters
源泉 gensen source (of spring); source
210: 線
高圧線 kouatusen high-voltage cable
最前線 saizensen front line, forefront
電話回線 denwakaisen telephone line
車線 syasen traffic lane
光線 kousen beam, ray of light
無線 musen wireless, radio
sen line, strip; ray, beam
電線 densen electric line, power cable
目線 mesen (one's) gaze, direction in which one is looking
211: 綿
綿 men cotton
原綿 genmen raw cotton
綿 wata cotton
綿布 menpu cotton cloth
木綿 momen cotton (material)
212: 絹
kinu silk
絹地 kinuzi silk fabric
絹糸 kensi silk thread
213: 錦
nisiki brocade
214: 願
お願い onegai request, favor
お願いします onegai simasu please
出願する syutugan suru apply (e.g. to a college)
願い事 negaigoto wish, dream, prayer, one's desire
215: 内
学内 gakunai within the school
国内 kokunai internal, domestic
身内 miuti relatives, one's family
以内 inai within, inside of, less than
内海 naikai inlet, bay, inland sea
内気な utiki na shy, bashful
年内 nennai by the end of the year
内耳 naizi inner ear
内線 naisen phone extension, indoor wiring
内回り utimawari inner tracks, inner lane
案内する annai suru guide, show around
案内人 annainin guide
市内 sinai (within a) city, local
山内 Yamauti
内山 Utiyama
内田 Utida
216: 肉
niku flesh; meat
牛肉 gyuuniku beef
肉体的 nikutaiteki bodily, physical; sexual, sensual
もも肉 momoniku leg (of meat), round, ham
217: 猪
そば猪口 sobatyoko a type of porcelain cup
猪武者 inosisimusya daredevil, foolhardy warrior
inosisi wild boar, wild pig
猪首 ikubi bull neck
218: 豚
buta pig; pork
豚足 tonsoku pig's feet
子豚 kobuta piglet
豚カツ tonkatu breaded pork cutlet
豚肉 butaniku pork
219: 家
毒舌家 dokuzetuka person with a sharp tongue
ie house, residence; family, household
自信家 zisinka person with great confidence in himself
作家 sakka author, writer, novelist
家の人 uti no hito my husband
家中 utizyuu all over the house
家宝 kahou heirloom
家事 kazi housework, domestic chores
画家 gaka painter, artist
220: 吾
吾子 ako our child, my child
吾々 wareware we
吾人 gozin we (archaic)
221: 我
我々 wareware we
我が家 wagaya one's house, one's home, one's family
自我 ziga self, the ego
我が国 wagakuni our country, one's own country
我が物顔な wagamonogao na looking or acting as if one owned the place
222: 語
言語 gengo language
用語 yougo term, terminlogy
ヶ国語 kakokugo (counter for languages)
母語 bogo mother tongue, native language
日本語 nihongo Japanese (language)
中国語 tyuugokugo Chinese (language)
語る kataru, katatta talk about, speak of, tell
物語 monogatari story, tale, narrative
口語 kougo spoken language, colloquial speech
go word
223: 伝
伝言 dengon verbal message, word
伝える tutaeru, tutaeta convey, report, tell
手伝う tetudau, tetudatta help, assist, aid
口伝 kuden oral instruction, passing information by word of mouth
224: 転
回転 kaiten rotation, revolution, turning
転校する tenkou suru change schools
自転車 zitensya bicycle, bike
転ぶ korobu, koronda fall down, fall over
転向する tenkou suru convert, switch
転がる korogaru, korogatta roll, tumble
好転する kouten suru change for the better
頭の回転 atama no kaiten thoughts, thinking
225: 芸
手工芸 syukougei handicrafts
手芸 syugei handicrafts
工芸 kougei industrial art, craft
gei art, craft, artistic skill
芸者 geisya geisha
文芸家 bungeika man of letters, writer
む芸な mugei na lacking talent, lacking accomplishments
工芸家 kougeika craftsman, artisan
226: 会
会う au, atta meet, encounter
集会 syuukai meeting, assembly
出会う deau, deatta meet (by chance), come across, happen upon
学会 gakukai learned society, scientific society, academy
入会する nyuukai suru join, enroll
会長 kaityou president (of a society), chairman
立ち会い tatiai presence, observation, witness
会見 kaiken interview, audience
会話する kaiwa suru converse, have a conversation
市会 sikai city council
国会 kokkai Natiional Diet
227: 合
会合 kaigou meeting, assembly, gathering
合う au, atta meet, merge, unite; fit, match, suit
合意 goui agreement, consent, mutual understanding
気合 kiai (fighting) spirit, motiviation, effort
見合う miau, miatta exchange glances
話し合う hanasiau, hanasiatta discuss, talk together
気が合う ki ga au get along (with someone)
合コン goukon joint party (e.g. students from several colleges)
合法化する gouhouka suru legalize
込み合う komiau, komiatta be crowded, be packed
集合 syuugou set (mathematics)
全体集合 zentaisyuugou universal set (mathematics)
集合する syuugou suru meet up, gather, assemble
付き合い tukiai association, socializing
水素化合物 suisokagoubutu hydride
化合 kagou chemical combination
化合物 kagoubutu compound (chemistry)
合体 gattai union, coalescence, amalgamation
付き合う tukiau, tukiatta associate with, go out with
合法的な gouhouteki na legal, lawful, legitimate
合金 goukin alloy
口に合う kuti ni au, atta be palatable, suit one's taste
228: 今
今日 kyou today
今月 kongetu this month
今朝 kesa this morning
今年 kotosi this year
ima now, soon, immediately
今回 konkai this time, now
229: 令
法令 hourei laws and ordinances, acts (of congress, parliament)
伝令 denrei messenger, runner
発令する haturei suru proclaim, make an official announcement
230: 念
無念な munen na regret, chagrin, mortification
念入りな neniri na careful, scrupulous, thorough
念頭 nentou (on one's) mind, heed
入念な nyuunen na careful, elaborate, scrupulous
信念 sinnen belief, faith, conviction
念願 nengan one's heart's desire, one's dearest wish
231: 印
目印 mezirusi mark, sign; landmark, guide
sirusi mark, sign
印をつける sirusi o tukeru mark
無印 muzirusi unbranded, generic
ゴム印 gomuin rubber stamp
印肉 inniku inkpad, stamp pad
代印する daiin suru sign by proxy
232: 命
生命 seimei life, existence
inoti life, life force; lifetime, lifespan
命じる meiziru, meizita order, command
命取り inotitori fatal, deadly
命令書 meireisyo decree, directive
233: 亡
亡くなる nakunaru, nakunatta die
亡父 bouhu late father, deceased father
亡き人 nakihito deceased person, the deceased
金の亡者 kane no mouzya money grubber
亡命する boumei suru defect, seek asylum, go into exile
234: 米
白米 hakumai uncooked white rice, polished rice
kome (husked grains of) rice
日米 nitibei Japan and the United States, Japanese-American
北米 Hokubei North America
235: 粒
雨粒 amatubu raindrop
tubu grain, bead, drop; counter for small round objects
粒子 ryuusi particle, grain
素粒子 soryuusi elementary particle
一粒 hitotubu one small round object
米粒 kometubu grain of rice
236: 和
和む nagomu, nagonda be softened, calm down
和らぐ yawaragu, yawaraida soften, calm down, ease, subside
中和する tyuuwa suru neutralize, counteract
和らげる yawarageru, yawarageta soften, moderate
和音 waon chord (music)
和合 wagou harmony, concord, agreement
和やかな nagoyaka na mild, calm, gentle
温和な onwa na mild, temperate, clement
大和 Yamato (ancient) Japan
和子 Kazuko
和田 Wada
237: 私
私信 sisin private message
私文書 sibunsyo private document, personal papers
私的 siteki personal, private
watasi I, me
私立 siritu private (establishment)
私生活 siseikatu one's private life
私たち watasitati we, us
私道 sidou private road, driveway
238: 広
広がる hirogaru, hirogatta spread (out), extend, reach to, fill
広い hiroi, hirokatta spacious, vast, wide
広々 hirobiro extensive, spacious
顔が広い kao ga hiroi well connected, well known
広まる hiromaru, hiromatta spread, be propogated
広げる hirogeru, hirogeta spread, extend, expand
背広 sebiro business suit (ateji)
広大な koudai na vast, extensive, immense
広東 kanton Guandong
広田 Hirota
小林 Kobayasi
広川 Hirokawa
239: 細
細身 hosomi narrow, think slender
細かい komakai, komakakatta small; fine, minute
細る hosoru, hosotta get thin, taper off
細長い hosonagai, hosonagakatta long and narrow
細部 saibu details, particulars
明細書 meisaisyo detailed statement, detailed account
先細りな sakibosori na tapering (to a point)
細心 saisin meticulous, careful
細い hosoi, hosokatta thin, slender, fine
身が細る mi ga hosoru, mi ga hosotta lose weight, become thin
細工 saiku work, workmanship
細川 Hosokawa
240: 林
hayasi woods, forest, grove
ヒノキ林 hinokibayasi hinoki cypress grove
雨林 urin rain forest
241: 森
森林 sinrin forest, woods
mori forest
森国 Morikuni
森子 Moriko
森本 Morimoto
盛岡 Morioka
森下 Morisita
小森 Komori
242: 松
松たけ matutake Matsutake mushroom
matu pine tree
松本 Matumoto
高松 Takamatu
松林 Matubayasi
243: 竹
竹林 tikurin bamboo thicket, bamboo grove
竹細工 takezaiku bamboo work, bamboo ware
竹の子 take no ko bamboo shoot
take bamboo
竹刀 sinai bamboo sword
竹下 Takesita
竹内 Takeuti
竹本 Takemoto
松原 Matubara
大竹 Ootake
竹中 Takenaka
244: 都
miyako capital, seat of government
成都 seito Chengdu
都市 tosi town, city; municipal, urban
不都合な hutugou na inconvenient, inexpedient
都立 toritu metropolitan, managed by Tokyo metropolitan government
都内 tonai (within) the Tokyo metropolitan area
都会 tokai city
首都 syuto capital city, metropolis
都合 tugou circumstances, condition, convenience
245: 京
上京する zyoukyou suru proceed to the capital (Tokyo)
京都 Kyouto
東京 Toukyou
北京 Pekin Beijing
246: 政
法政 housei law and politics, justice administration
内政 naisei domestic affairs, internal administration
家政 kasei household economy, housekeeping
政見 seiken political views
行政 gyousei administration, governance
行政上 gyouseizyou administrative
247: 府
政府 seihu government, administration
立法府 rippouhu assize, court; legislature
府立 huritu prefectural, managed by urban prefecture (Osaka or Kyoto)
京都府 Kyoutohu Kyoto Prefecture
248: 戸
戸口 toguti door, doorway
to door (esp. Japanese style)
戸別 kobetu house-to-house, door-to-door
雨戸 amado sliding storm shutter
戸田 Toda
249: 所
発電所 hatudensyo power plant, power station
tokoro place, spot, scene, site
近所 kinzyo neighborhood
一ヶ所 ikkasyo one place, (all in) the same place
地所 zisyo estate, plot of land
所信 syosin belief, conviction, opinion
長所 tyousyo strong point, merit, virtue
預かり所 azukarisyo cloak room, parcel room
250: 至
至る itaru, itatta come to, reach; lead to
至東京 itaru toukyou to Tokyo (on map or sign)
至る所 itaru tokoro everywhere, all over, throughout
至上命令 sizyou meirei categorical imperative
至上 sizyou supremacy
251: 致
致す itasu, itasita do (humble)
一致する itti suru coincide, agree, match; conform, be consistent
致命的な timeiteki na fatal, lethal
合致する gatti suru agree, concur, conform
お願い致します onegai itasimasu (I humbly) request
252: 屋
部屋 heya room, chamber
-ya (something) shop; somebody with a (certain) personality trait
本屋 honya bookstore, bookshop
屋内 okunai indoor (court, pool)
米屋 komeya rice shop, rice dealer
家屋 kaoku house, building
肉屋 nikuya meat shop, butcher's shop
屋上 okuzyou rooftop
小屋 koya hut, cabin, shed
253: 室
室内 situnai indoor, inside the room
全室 zensitu all rooms
皇室 kousitu royal family
地下室 tikasitu cellar, basement
入室する nyuusitu suru enter a room
温室 onsitu greenhouse
室温 situon room temperature
和室 wasitu Japanese-style room
土屋 Tutiya
254: 古
古今 kokon ancient and modern times, all ages
頭が古い atama ga hurui, hurukatta old-fashioned (in one's thinking)
古代 kodai ancient times, antiquity
古都 koto ancient city, former capital
古本 huruhon secondhand book
古い hurui, hurukatta old, ancient
尚古 syouko respect for olden days
最古 saiko oldest
古川 Hurukawa
古田 Huruta
255: 居
居心地のよい igokoti no yoi, yokatta comfortable (to live in), snug
別居する bekkyo suru be separate, live apart
同居人 doukyonin roommate
居合わせる iawaseru, iawaseta happen to be present
皇居 koukyo imperial palace (of Japan)
居る iru, ita be, exist
居室 kyositu living room
256: 局
局所 kyokusyo part, section; local, topical
政局 seikyoku political situation
局部的 kyokubuteki localized (pain, rainfall), local
部局 bukyoku department, bureau
当局 toukyoku (relevant) authorities
水道局 suidoukyoku water department
テレビ局 terebikyoku television station
kyoku bureau, department
257: 故
故に yue ni therefore, consequently
故意に koi ni deliberately, intentionally
事故 ziko accident, incident, trouble
故国 kokoku one's native land
故事 kozi tradition; historical fact, origin
ko the late, the deceased (prefix)
258: 胡
胡国 kokoku barbarian nations of Northern China
胡瓜 kyuuri cucumber
259: 湖
mizuumi lake
湖面 komen lake surface
火口湖 kakouko crater lake
湖水 kosui lake
ビクトリア湖 bikutoriako Lake Victoria
五大湖 godaiko The Great Lakes
バイカル湖 baikaruko Lake Baikal
260: 固
固い katai, katakatta hard, solid, tough
固める katameru, katameta harden, freeze, strengthen
固体 kotai solid, solid matter, solid-state
固定する kotei suru fix in place, secure, anchor
固まる katamaru, katamatta harden, solidify; gather, assemble
固形物 kokeibutu solid matter, solid food
261: 箇
箇所 kasyo place, point, spot
箇条書き gazyougaki itemized form, itemization
一箇所 ikkasyo one place, (all in) the same place
262: 個
個性的 koseiteki individual, distinctive, unique
個体 kotai individual, specimen
個々 koko individual, separate, one by one
個人的 kozinteki personal, individual, private
個性 kosei individuality, personality, quirk
個人用 kozinyou for personal use
個室 kositu private room, single room
二個 ni ko two characters
別個 bekko another, different, separate
263: 且
且つ katu and, moreover, besides
尚且つ naokatu besides, furthermore
且つ又 katumata moreover, also
264: 組
一組 hitokumi one class, one set
組み立て kumitate construction, framework
組む kumu, kunda cross (legs), link (arms); put together, construct
組み合わせる kumiawaseru, kumiawaseta join together, combine, join up (tr)
組み合す kumiawasu, kumiawasita join together, combine, join up (intransitive)
組成する sosei suru compose, constitute
取り組む torikumu, torikunda grapple with, wrestle with; tackle (a problem)
四人組 yoningumi four man group, quartet
取っ組み合う tokkumiau, tokkumiatta grapple with (each other), wrestle with
265: 夕
夕方 yuugata evening, dusk
今夕 konyuu this evening, tonight
夕べ yuube evening; last night, yesterday evening
七夕 Tanabata July 7th, Star Festival
266: 外
外耳道 gaizidou external auditory canal
予定外 yoteigai unexpected, unscheduled, unforeseen
外部 gaibu outside (of building), exterior; outside (of group, company)
屋外 okugai outdoors, outside
外国 gaikoku foreign country
海外 kaigai abroad, overseas
soto outside, exterior
外見 gaiken outward appearance
取り外す torihazusu, torihazusita dismantle, dismount
意外な igai na unexpected, surprising
外す hazusu, hazusita remove, take off, detach
外出する gaisyutu suru go out, leave (one's home, office)
外れる hazureru, hazureta be disconnected, get out of place
以外 igai with the exception of, excluding
外国 gaikoku foreign country
外国語 gaikokugo foreign language
外出中 gaisyututyuu while being out of office or away from home
外れ hazure end, verge, extremity; miss, failure
的外れな matohazure na off the mark, misdirected, irrelevant
国外 kokugai outside of the country, abroad
外交 gaikou diplomacy
267: 多
多芸な tagei na versatile
多すぎる oosugiru, oosugita be too numerous, be too much
多い ooi, ooku many, numerous, a lot; a large amount of, much; frequent, common
多年生 tanensei perennial (plant)
多分 tabun perhaps, probably
多元的 tagenteki pluralistic, plural
多面的 tamenteki multifaceted, versatile
多面体 tamentei polyhedron
本多 Honda
268: 汐
sio tide, current
潮汐 tyouseki tide
269: 名
名高い nadakai, nadakaku famous, noted, rennowned
無名 mumei nameless, anonymous, unsigned; obscure, unknown
名前 namae name; given name, first name
名所 meisyo famous place
二名 ni mei two people
名立たる nadataru famous, notorious, noted
名ばかり nabakari in name only, titular, nominal
名案 meian good idea
名文 meibun famous literary composition
名字 myouzi surname, family name, last name
名物 meibutu famous product, specialty
名画 meiga famous picture, masterpiece
名付ける nadukeru, naduketa name, call, christen
名古屋 Nagoya
270: 天
天気 tenki weather, the elements
天国 tengoku paradise, heaven
天性 tensei innate disposition, nature
天文学者 tenmongakusya astronomer
天皇 tennou Emperor of Japan
天下一 tenkaiti unique thing, best on earth
271: 未
未亡人 mibouzin widow
未満 miman less than, under, below
未定 mitei not yet fixed, undecided
未明 mimei early dawn
未だに imadani still, even now, to this day
未見 miken not yet seen; unseen, unknown
272: 末
末っ子 suekko youngest child
年末 nenmatu end-of-year
sue end, tip, top; end (of year, month), close
273: 味
無意味な muimi na nonsensical, meaningless
不気味な bukimi na weird, ominous
意味する imi suru mean, signify, have the sense of
azi flavor, taste; charm, appeal
味方する mikata suru be a friend, ally; take sides with, support
下味 sitaazi seasoning
三味線 syamisen shamisen
切れ味 kireazi sharpness, cutting ability
味わう aziwau, aziwatta taste, savor, relish
後味 atoazi aftertaste
274: 来
未来 mirai the (distant) future
出来る dekiru, dekita be able to do, be up to the task
出来事 dekigoto incident, affair, event
来る kuru, kita come, arrive
家来 kerai retainer, servant
来年 rainen next year
来月 raigetu next month
来い koi come! come on!
本来 honrai originally, primarily; essentially, intrinsically
以来 irai since, henceforth
来日する rainiti suru arrive in Japan, visit Japan
外来語 gairaigo loanword, foreign-origin word
未来 Miku
275: 新
新たな arata na new, fresh, novel
新しい atarasii, atarasiku new, fresh, recent, modern
新来者 sinraisya newcomer
新年会 sinnenkai New Year's party
新居 sinkyo new home
新車 sinsya new car
新人 sinzin new face, newcomer
最新 saisin latest, newest
新田 Arata
276: 親
親交 sinkou intimacy, friendship
不親切な husinsetu na unkindness, unfriendliness
両親 ryousin parents, both parents
父親 titioya father
近親者 kinsinsya near relative
親やすい sitasimiyasui, sitasimiyasuku friendly, easy to get on with
親切な sinsetu na kind, gentle, considerate
母親 hahaoya mother
親子 oyako parent(s) and child(ren)
肉親 nikusin blood relative
親しい sitasii, sitasiku close, familiar, friendly
親しむ sitasimu, sitasinda be intimate with, befriend
親方 oyakata master, boss, chief
277: 欠
満ち欠け mitikake waxing and waning (of the moon)
欠ける kakeru, kaketa be missing, be absent; wane (of the moon), go into eclipse
金欠 kinketu having no money, lack of money
無欠な muketu na flawless
欠本 keppon missing volume
欠かす kakasu, kakasita miss (doing), fail (to do)
278: 次
tugi next, following, subsequent
目次 mokuzi table of contents
次男 zinan second son
次ぐ tugu, tuida rank next to, come after
次回 zikai next time
次長 zityou vice chief, assistant director, deputy manager
二次元 ni zigen two dimensions
279: 席
出席する syusseki suru attend, be present
seki seat
同席する douseki suru be present, sit with
欠席する kesseki be absent, not attend
席上 sekizyou at the meeting, on the occasion
席次 sekizi seating precedence, class rank
280: 度
90度 kyuuzyuu do 90 degrees
二度と nidoto never again (with negative verb)
二度 nido two times, twice
今度 kondo this time, now; next time, soon
一度 itido once, one time; one degree
tabi time, times
年度 nendo fiscal year, academic year
度々 tabitabi often, again and again
毎度 maido each time, always
出席者 syussekisya those present
281: 渡
渡り者 watarimono wanderer, carpetbagger
不渡り huwatari dishonoring, bouncing (check), non-payment
渡す watasu, watasita ferry across, carry across; hand over, hand in
渡米 tobei going to the United States
見渡す miwatasu, miwatasita look out over, survey
渡来人 toraizin people from China and Korea who settled in Japan between 300 and 800 AD
渡る wataru, watatta cross over, go across
手渡す tewatasu, tewatasita hand over, surrender
渡辺 Watanabe
282: 限
見限る mikagiru, mikagitta give up on, abandon
最大限 saidaigen maximum
限り kagari limits, bounds; degree, extent; as long as..., to the limits of...
限る kagiru, kagitta restrict, limit, confine; be restricted to, be limited to
無限 mugen infinite, limitless
限定する gentei suru limit, restrict
限度 gendo limits, bounds
283: 銀
gin silver
水銀 suigin mercury
銀行 ginkou bank
日銀 nitigin Bank of Japan
284: 根
根源的な kongenteki na primordial, fundamental, basic
屋根 yane roof
根本的な konponteki na fundamental, basic
根本 konpon root, source, origin, cause
根気 konki patience, perseverance
根性 konzyou willpower, guts, determination
根回し nemawasi laying the groundwork, behind-the-scenes maneuvering, consensus building process
ne root (of a plant)
山根 Yamane
根本 Nemoto
285: 良
不良 huryou bad, poor, inferior; delinquent, hoodlum
最良 sairyou the best, ideal
良い yoi, yokatta good, excellent, fine
良家 ryouke good family, respectible family
286: 郎
新郎 sinrou bridegroom
次郎 Zirou Jiro
二郎 Zirou Jiro
一郎 Itirou Ichiro
287: 廊
廊下 rouka corridor, hallway
画廊 garou art gallery, picture gallery
回廊 kairou gallery, cloister
288: 食
部分食 bubunshoku partial eclipse
小食 syousyoku light eating, not eating much
食事 syokuzi meal, dinner
食物 syokumotu food, foodstuff
日食 nissyoku solar eclipse
食う kuu, kutta eat (male language)
和食 wasyoku Japanese food, Japanese cuisine
食肉 syokuniku meat (for consumption)
面食い menkui being attracted by physical looks only
夕食 yuusyoku evening meal, dinner
夕食後 yuusyokugo after dinner
食べ物 tabemono food
食べる taberu, tabeta eat
食らわす kurawasu, kurawasita make someone eat; deal (a blow)
食中毒 syokutyuudoku food poisoning
気に食わない ki ni kuwanai unable to stomach, displeased with
食前 syokuzen before meals
食する syoku suru eat
289: 飲
飲む nomu, nonda drink, swallow
飲み物 nomimono drink, beverage
飲み込み nomikomi swallowing; understanding, apprehension
飲食 insyoku food and drink, eating and drinking
飲食物 insyokubutu food and drink
290: 官
行政官 gyouseikan administrative official
高官 koukan high official
外交官 gaikoukan diplomat
官用 kanyou official use, government business
長官 tyoukan secretary (government), director, chief
291: 館
会館 kaikan meeting hall, assembly hall
館内 kannai in the building
館長 kantyou superintendent, director
本館 honkan main building
別館 bekkan annex (to a building)
292: 宿
宿屋 yadoya inn
宿す yadosu, yadosita house, contain; carry (a baby), be pregnant
下宿 gesyuku boarding, lodging; boarding house, lodging house
合宿 gassyuku lodging together, training camp
アヘン宿 ahenyado opium den
293: 犬
inu dog
子犬 koinu puppy
294: 太
太る hutoru, hutotta put on weight, get fat
太い hutoi, hutoku fat, thick
丸太 maruta log
丸太小屋 marutagoya log cabin
皇太子 koutaisi crown prince
太刀 tati long sword
太古 taiko ancient times
良太 Ryouta
295: 器
外性器 gaiseiki external genitals
器官 kikan organ (of body, plant)
器用な kiyou na skillful, nimble
食器 syokki tableware, dishes
不器用な bukiyou na clumsy, awkward
武器 buki weapon, arms
洗面器 senmenki wash basin, wash bowl
受話器 zyuwaki (telephone) receiver
utuwa bowl, vessel, container
296: 凶
凶器 kyouki deadly weapon, murder weapon
凶事 kyouzi calamity, misfortune
凶刃 kyouzin assassin's dagger
凶行 kyoukou violence, murder, crime
297: 区
地区 tiku district, province
区切る kugiru, kugitta demarcate, mark off; punctuate, insert a pause or break
区立 kuritu established by ward
ku ward, burrough
区画 kukaku division, section
区別する kubetu suru differentiate, classify
298: 図
天気図 tenkizu weather map
地形図 tikeizu topographic map, elevation map
地図 tizu map
図形 zukei figure, shape, graphic
地図作成 tizusakusei mapping, cartography
海図 kaizu nautical chart
合図 aizu sign, signal, cue
図書館 tosyokan library (building)
zu drawing, picture, diagram
図太い zubutoi, zubutoku bold, shameless
意図 ito intention, aim
図書室 tosyositu library (room)
299: 番
一番 itiban number one, first; best, most
ban number (in a series); (one's) turn
三番 sanban third
番組 bangumi (TV) program
番犬 banken watchdog
交番 kouban police box, small neighborhood police station
所番地 syobanti address
二番 niban second, number two
見はり番 mihariban guard, lookout
300: 号
信号 singou signal; traffic light
gou number, edition, model, issue
番号 bangou number, series of digits
電話番号 denwabangou telephone number
25号線 nizyuugo gousen Highway 25, Route 25
年号 nengou (Japanese) era, imperial era
301: 品
作品 sakuhin (piece of) work, product
品物 sinamono article, thing, goods
品の良い人 hin no yoi hito person of refined manners
上品な zyouhin na elegant, refined
品目 hinmoku list of articles, list of items
302: 楽
楽しむ tanosimu, tanosinda take pleasure in, enjoy
楽な raku na easy, light; comfortable
安楽な anraku na comfortable, carefree, cozy
音楽 ongaku music
楽器 gakki musical instrument
303: 薬
薬品 yakuhin medicine, drug; chemicals
薬局 yakkyoku drugstore, pharmacy
丸薬 ganyaku pill
火薬 kayaku gunpowder
薬屋 kusuriya drugstore
304: 周
周辺 syuuhen environs, outskirts; circumference
周回 syuukai circumference; lap, circling
円周 ensyuu circumference
3周 sansyuu three rounds, three laps
周りの人 mawari no hito the people around one
305: 週
先週 sensyuu last week
今週 konsyuu this week
来週 raisyuu next week
週末 syuumatu weekend
週に三回 syuu ni sankai three times a week
306: 調
調子 tyousi tone, tune; key, note; condition (health); manner
口調 kutyou tone, expression
調べる siraberu, sirabeta investigate, look into
調合する tyougou suru mix, compound, prepare
夕食を調える yuusyoku o totonoeru prepare supper
307: 束
約束する yakusoku suru promise, vow
束ねる tabaneru, tabaneta tie up in a bundle
束になって taba ni natte in a bunch, in a group
花束 hanataba bundle of flowers
1束10円 hito taba zyuu en ten yen a bundle
308: 整
整地 seiti leveling of ground, soil preparation
調整 tyousei regulation, adjustment
整形 seikei orthopedics
調える totonoeru, totonoeta put in order
整う totonou, totonotta be in order
309: 数
数字 suuzi figure, numeral
数学 suugaku mathematics
整数 seisuu integer, whole number
数多く kazuooku in large numbers
数える kazoeru, kazoeta count, calculate, enumerate
310: 類
人類 zinrui mankind, humankind
分類 bunrui classification
食肉類 syokunikurui carnivorous animals, Carnivora
類語 ruigo synonym, related word
親類 sinrui relatives, relations
311: 示
予示する yozi suru foreshadow
内示 naizi private announcement, unofficial announcement
公示 kouzi public announcement, official announcement
示す simesu, simesita show, display; indicate
示し合わせる simesiawaseru, simesiawaseta prearrange, conspire
312: 禁
禁止する kinsi suru prohibit, ban
禁物 kinmotu taboo
発禁 hakkin prohibition of sale
禁じる kinziru, kinzita prohibit
立ち入り禁止 tatiiri kinsi keep out (found on a sign)
313: 礼
礼法 reihou etiquette
お礼 orei thanks; reward; return present
礼金 reikin reward, fee, honorarium
無礼な burei na impolite, rude
洗礼 senrei baptism
314: 社
会社 kaisya company, corporation, firm
社長 syatyou president (of a company)
社会 syakai society, the world
社交的な syakouteki na sociable, friendly
お社 oyasiro village shrine
315: 申
上申する zyousin suru report (to a superior)
内申 naisin unofficial report
申す mousu, mousita say, tell (humble)
申し上げる mousiageru, mousiageta say, tell, speak humbly; (have the honor to) do
申し込む mousikomu, mousikonda apply; propose
316: 神
神話 sinwa myth, mythology
神道 sintou Shinto, the way of the gods
神官 sinkan Shinto priest
神社 zinsya Shinto shrine
海の神 umi no kami god of the sea
317: 員
会社員 kaisyain company employee, office worker
会員 kaiin member
全員 zenin all members, entire staff
定員 teiin fixed number of regular personnel; capacity
満員電車 manin densya train filled to capacity
318: 質
本質 honsitu essence, reality
性質 seisitu nature, character; property, quality
品質 hinsitu quality (of product or service)
物質 bussitu matter, substance
人質 hitoziti hostage, prisoner
319: 党
政党 seitou political party
党首 tousyu party chief
党員 touin party member
党大会 toutaikai party convention
社会党 syakaitou Socialist party
320: 堂
公会堂 koukaidou town hall
食堂 syokudou dining hall, canteen
音楽堂 ongakudou concert hall
法堂 houdou lecture hall (in Buddhist temple)
堂々とした doudou to sita dignified, imposing, majestic
321: 常
正常 seizyou normality, normalcy
通常の tuuzyou no common, ordinary, usual
常に tune ni always, at all times
常用 zyouyou common use, daily use
日常の nitizyou no daily, everyday
322: 賞
賞金 syoukin prize, award, reward
賞品 syouhin prize, trophy
受賞者 zyusyousya prizewinner
ノーベル賞 nooberu syou Nobel prize
賞を受ける syou o ukeru receive a prize
323: 償
償金 /syoukin// reparation, indemnification
代償 daisyou vicarious compensation
無償 musyou gratuitous, free
償う tugunau, tugunatta recompense, make up for, atone for
324: 掌
合掌する gassyou suru join one's hands (as in prayer)
掌中に syoutyuu ni in one's hands
掌中の玉 syoutyuu no tama one's treasure
車掌 syasyou (train) conductor
325: 覚
自覚する zikaku suru be conscious of, realize
味覚 mikaku sense of taste
覚める sameru, sameta awake, wake up (intr.)
覚ます samasu, samasita awake, wake up (tr.)
覚える oboeru, oboeta commit to memory, learn
326: 悟
覚悟する kakugo suru be ready for; be resigned; make up one's mind
悟道 godou spiritual enlightenment; philosophy
悟り satori satori, spiritual awakening
327: 感
感じる kanziru, kanzita be conscious of, feel
感心 kansin admiration
同感 doukan same sentiment, sympathy
感覚 kankaku sense, sensation, feeling
五感 gokan the five senses
328: 央
中央 tyuuou center
中央口 tyuuouguti central exit
中央線 tyuuousen Chuo Line (railway in Tokyo)
道央 douou central Hokkaido
329: 映
湖に山が映る mizuumi ni yama ga uturu the mountain is reflected on the surface of the lake
映画 eiga film, movie
上映する zyouei suru screen, show
映画をスクリーンに映る eiga o sukuriin ni uturu project a movie on a screen
夕映え yuubae evening glow, sunset glow
330: 決
決心 kessin determination, resolution, decision
決意 ketui resolution, determination
決定 kettei decision, settlement, conclusion
未決 miketu undecided, to be determined
決める kimeru, kimeta decide, settle, fix
331: 快
快楽 kairaku pleasure, enjoyment
快感 kaikan agreeable sensation, comfort
不快な hukai na unpleasant, disagreeable
快走 kaisou fast running, fast sailing
快く kokoroyoku cheerfully, comfortably; gladly, willingly
332: 英
英明な eimei na intelligent, wise
英国 eikoku England, Great Britain, the UK
英語 eigo English
英会話 eikaiwa English conversation
和英 wa ei Japanese-English
333: 並
並立 heiritu standing abreast
並行 heikou parallel, going side by side; occurring together
並の nami no ordinary, average, mediocre
並木 namiki row of trees, roadside trees
並べる naraberu line up, place in order (tr); enumerate
334: 平
平らな道 taira na miti level road
公平 kouhei impartiality, fairness
平社員 hirasyain ordinary employee, rank-and-file staff member
平年並み heinennami similar to an average year, normal
平和 heiwa peace
335: 半
半分 hanbun half
前半 zenhan first half
後半 kouhan second half
二年半 ninenhan two and a half years
つき半ばに tukinakaba ni mid-month
336: 馬
馬車 basya horse-drawn carriage, coach, wagon
馬力 bariki horsepower; energy, effort; cart, wagon
馬身 basin horse's length (horse-racing term)
竹馬 tikuba stilts
馬小屋 umagoya stable
337: 尺
一尺 issyaku 1 shaku (30.3 cm)
尺八 syakuhati end-blown bamboo flute
尺度 syakudo linear measure; standard
338: 尽
尽力 zinryoku efforts, assistance
不尽 huzin Yours sincerely
尽くす tukusu, tukusita use up, exhaust
言い尽くす iitukusu, iitukusita tell all, exhaust a subject
尽きる tukiru, tukita be exhausted, come to an end
339: 駅
駅前の eki mae no in front of the station
当駅 toueki this station
駅長 /ekityou stationmaster
駅ビル ekibiru station building
神戸駅 kobe eki Kobe station
340: 鳥
鳥類 tyourui birds, fowl
白鳥 hakutyou swan
鶏肉 toriniku chicken
鳥居 torii torii, Shinto shrine archway
渡り鳥 watari tori migratory bird
341: 島
半島 hantou peninsula
無人島 muzintou uninhabited island
島国 simaguni island nation
セブ島 sebutou Cebu island
広島 hirosima Hiroshima
342: 角
角度 kakudo angular measure, degree
三角 sankaku triangle
角に切る kaku ni kiru cut into squares
四角 yotu kado street corner, intersection
ヘラジカの角 herazika no tuno horns of a moose (elk)
343: 虫
成虫 seityuu imago
放虫 houtyuu insect proof, insect repelling
毒虫 dokumusi poisonous insect
虫取り musitori insect catching
水虫 mizumusi// Athlete's foot
344: 触
触覚 syokkaku sense of touch
触角 syokkaku feeler, antenna
感触 kansyoku (sense of) touch, feeling
触れる hureru, hureta touch, feel; come into contact with
触る sawaru, sawatta touch, feel
345: 解
解体 kaitai dismantling; dissolution; dissection
分解する bunkai suru take part; analyze, decompose
解禁 kaikin removal of a ban
解明する kaimei suru explain, elucidate
解ける tokeru, toketa come loose, come undone; be solved
346: 独
独立 dokuritu indepedence, self-reliance
独身 dokusin single life; celibacy
独学 dokugaku self-study, self-teaching
独りぼっちの hitoribotti no solitary
日独 nitidoku Japan and Germany, Japanese-German
347: 店
店長 tentyou shop manager
店員 tenin clerk
書店 syoten bookstore
本店 honten main store, head office
お店 omise shop, your shop
348: 占
独占 dokusen exclusive possession, monopoly
国家独占 kokka dokusen state monopoly
占める simeru, simeta occupy, hold
独り占め hitorizime monopoly, exclusive possession
占う uranau, uranatta divine, tell [someone's] fortune
349: 点
出発点 syuppatuten starting point
点字 tenzi Braille
同点 douten tie, draw; tie score
点と線 ten to sen points and lines
その点について sono ten ni tuite on that point, in that respect
350: 士
武士 busi samurai, warrior
武士道 busidou the way of the warrior
名士 meisi man of distinction
国士 kokusi distinguished citizen
力士 rikisi sumo wrestler
351: 商
商工 syoukou commerce and industry
商品 syouhin goods, products, commodities
商店 syouten shop, store
商う akinau, akinatta sell, trade in
商い中 akinaityuu Open [store sign]
352: 買
買う kau, katta buy
買い手 kaite buyer, customer
買い物 kaimono shopping; purchases
買い入れ kaiire purchase; buying
買い上げる kaiageru, kaiageta buy, buy up; bid up
353: 売
商売 syoubai trade, business, commerce
売買 baibai buying and selling, trade
売店 baiten booth, stand; store
売る uru, utta sell
売り切れ urikire// sellout; sold out
354: 続
続行 zokkou continuation
続出する /zokusyutu suru// appear in succession
続く tuduku, tuduita continue, follow, ensue (intr)
手続き tetuduki procecure, formalities
話し続ける hanasitudukeru, hanasittuduketa keep talking
355: 読
読者 dokusya reader, subscriber
読本 /tokuhon// reader, reading book
読書 dokusyo reading a book, reading
読む yomu, yonda read
読み方 yomikata way of reading; reading (of Chinese character)
356: 共
公共の koukyou no public, common
共通の kyoutuu no common, mutual
共和国 kyouwakoku republic
母子共に bositomo ni both mother and child
私共 watakusidomo we [humble]
357: 供
供する kyou suru offer, submit; supply
供米 kyoumai rice delivered to the government
供米 kumai rice offered to a god
供える sonaeru, sonaeta offer (to a god), make an offering
子供 kodomo child, kid; son, daughter
358: 洪
洪水 kouzui flood, inundation
359: 昔
昔年 sekinen antiquity, former years
今昔 konzyaku past and present, yesterday and today
昔話 mukasibanasi legend, old tale
大昔 oomukasi long ago
昔々 mukasimukasi Once upon a time
360: 冬
冬至 touzi winter solstice
立冬 rittou first day of winter
冬休み huyu yasumi winter vacation
冬向き huyumuki for winter
冬物 huyumono winter clothing, winter goods
361: 寒
寒中 kantyuu midwinter
防寒する boukan suru protect from cold
寒気 kanki cold weather
寒気 samuke chill
寒い /samui, samukatta// cold, chilly
362: 寒
来春 raisyun next spring
春分 syunbun vernal equinox
青春 seisyun bloom of youth
売春 baisyun prostitution
春休み haruyasumi spring vacation
363: 夏
立夏 rikka first day of summer
夏至 gesi summer solstice
夏休み natuyasumi summer vacation
夏向き natumuki for summer
常夏 tokonatu everlasting summer
364: 秋
秋分 syuubun autumnal equinox
今秋 konsyuu this autumn, next autumn
この秋 kono aki this autumn, next autumn
春秋 syunzyuu spring and autumn; years, age
春夏秋冬 syunkasyuutou four seasons, all year round
365: 主
主語 syugo (grammatical) subject
主に omo ni mainly, chiefly; mostly
主人 syuzin master, proprietor; husband
家主 yanusi landlord, landlady
買主 kainusi buyer, purchaser
366: 住
住所 zyuusyo one's dwelling, address
住居 zyuukyo house, dwelling, address
居住する kyozyuu suru live, dwell, reside
どこに住んでいますか doko ni sunde imase ka where do you live?
住まい sumai living; dwelling, house
367: 駐
駐日 tyuuniti stationed in Japan
駐英 tyuuei stationed in England
駐車する tyuusya suru park a car
駐車禁止 tyuusya kinsi no parking [sign]
368: 注
注入する tyuunyuu suru pour into, inject
注ぎ込む sosogikomu, sosogikonda pour into, instill
注意 tyuui attention, care, advice
注目 tyuumoku attention, notice
注文する tyuumon suru order, place an order; request
369: 志
意志 isi will, volition
志向 sikou intention, aim; orientation
同志 dousi like-minded person, comrade
志す kokorozasu, kokorozasita aim, have an ambition for
志を立てる kokorozasi o tateru set one's mind on [something]
370: 誌
誌面 simen page of a magazine
誌上で sizyoude in a magazine
ニューズウィーク誌 nyuuzuwiiku si Newsweek
日誌 nissi diary
地誌 tisi topography, geographical description
371: 士
士官 sikan entering the government service
仕える tukaeru, tukaeta serve (under)
仕事 sigoto work, employment, business
仕方 sikata way, method, means
仕手 site doer, protagonist in a Noh drama
372: 任
任命 ninmei appointment, nomination
主任 syunin person in charge, head, chief
後任 kounin successor, replacement
任せる makaseru, makaseta leave (up) to, entrust with; leave alone
任意の nini no optional, voluntary; arbitrary
373: 支
支店 siten branch [office/store]
支出 sisyutu expenditure, disbursement
支度する sitaku suru arrange, prepare
支える sasaeru, sasaeta support, prop up
支える tukaeru, tukaeta be blocked, be obstructed
374: 反
反発する hanpatu suru repulse, repel; oppose
反日 hanniti anti-Japanese
反する han suru oppose; act contrary to
反る soru, sotta bend, warp, lean backward (intr)
反らす sorasu, sorasita bend (backward), warp (tr)
375: 坂
坂道 sakamiti incline, sloping road
上り坂 nobirizaka uphill, upward slope
下り坂 kudarizaka downhill, downward slope
376: 阪
大阪 oosaka Osaka (city and prefecture)
大阪府 oosakahu Osaka prefecture
阪神 hansin Osaka and Kobe
阪大 handai Osaka University
377: 飯
ご飯 gohan boiled rice; meal
朝飯 asamesi breakfast
朝飯 asahan breakfast
夕飯 yuuhan evening meal, supper
夕飯 yuumesi evening meal, supper
飯店 hanten (high class) Chinese restaurant; (hotel in) China
飯をくう mesi o kuu, mesi o kutta eat a meal, devour a meal
378: 返
返金 henkin repayment
返信 henshin reply, answer
返事 henzi reply, answer
返す kaesu, kaesita return, send back
返る kaeru, kaeta be restored to, return
379: 雑
雑誌 zassi magazine, journal
雑木 zouki miscellaneous trees
雑居地 zakkyoti mixed residential quarter
雑音 zatuon noise; interference, static
雑な zatu na course, rough, crude
380: 乱
乱れる midareru, medareta be disordered, be confused; be chaotic
乱雑 ranzatu disorder, confusion
乱用 ranyou abuse, misuse, misappropriation
反乱 hanran rebellion, revolt
乱読 randoku indiscriminate reading
381: 寸
寸前に sunzen ni immediately before
一寸 tyotto a little bit
一寸 issun 1 sun (3 cm)
寸法 sunpou measurements, size; plan
原寸 gensun full size, actual size
382: 寺
古寺 kozi old temple
国分寺 kokubunzi state-established provincial temple
東大寺 toudaizi Todaiji
お寺 otera (Buddhist) temple
山寺 yamadera mountain temple
383: 時
同時に douzi ni simultaneously, at the same time
一時 itizi for a time, temporarily; once; one o'clock
一時 hitotoki time, while, moment
時代 zidai age, era, period; antiquity
寸時 sunzi a moment, a minute
384: 持
持つ motu, motta have, hold; keep, maintain
所持する syozi suru have about one; possess
支持する sizi suru support, maintain, back up
金持ち kanemoti rich person
気持ち kimoti feeling, sensation, mood
385: 特
特別の tokubetu no special, particular, extraordinary
特定の tokutei no specific, particular
特集 tokusyuu special edition, feature (article)
独特な dokutoku na peculiar, unique
特に toku ni particularly, especially
386: 待
待命 taimei waiting for orders
待つ matu, matta wait
待ち合わせる matiawaseru, matiawaseta wait, meet by appointment
待合室 matiaisitu waiting room
信号待ち singoumati waiting for a traffic light
387: 得
取得する syutoku suru acquire, gain; purchase
得意 tokui one's forte; pride; customer
得になる toku ni naru bring profit, do (someone) good
得る eru, eta acquire, gain; can, be able to
得る uru, utta acquire, gain; can, be able to
止むを得ない yamu o enai unavoidable
388: 侍
近侍 kinzi attendant
侍女 zizyo lady attendant
犬侍 //inuzamurai shameless samurai, depraved samurai
389: 詩
詩人 sizin poet
詩集 sisyuu anthology of poems
詩的な siteki na poetic
詩を作る si o tukuru compose a poem
390: 即
即売 sokubai spot sale
即時 sokuzi immediately
即金 sokkin immediate cash
即席 sokuseki impromptu; instant
(A),即ち,(B) //A, sunawati, B A, namely, B; A, that is, B
391: 節
竹の節 take no husi node of a bamboo, joint of a bamboo
節電 setuden saving electricity
前の節で mae no setu de in the former section, in the former stanza
時節 zisetu season, times; occasion
節分 setubun eve of the beginning of spring, close of winter
392: 筋
筋肉 kinniku muscle, sinews
心筋 sinkin myocardium, heart muscle
背筋 sesuzi spinal column
筋道 suzimiti reason, thread of argument, coherence; systematic method
筋書き suzigaki plot of a story, outline; plan
393: 等
平等 byoudou equality, impartiality
等しい hitosii equal, alike
我等 warera we, us
お皿やコップ等 osara ya coppu nado dishes, classes, etc.
一等 ittou first class; first place
394: 均
均一な kinitu na uniform, equal, even
均等の kintou no equal, uniform
均質 kinsitu homogeneity
均整 kinsei symmetry
平均 heikin average, mean; equilibrium, balance
395: 季
季節 kisetu season
夏季 kaki summer, summer season
四季 siki the four seasons
雨季 uki rainy season
季語 kigo season word (in haiku)
396: 委
委員会 iinkai committee, commission
公安委員会 kouaniinkai public safety commission
常任委員会 zyouniniinkai standing committee
委任する inin suru entrust, delegate, commit
委ねる yudaneru, yudaneta entrust to
397: 穴
穴居人 kekkyozin cave dweller, caveman
ボタンの穴 botan no ana buttonhole
穴子 anago conger eel
398: 空
青空 aozora blue sky
空気 kuuki air; atmosphere
部屋を空ける heya o akeru clear a room
空手 karate karate; empty hand
空車 kuusya (empty car) for hire
399: 友
友人 yuuzin friend
親友 sinyuu close friend
友好 yuukou friendship, amity
友だち tomodati friend
まる友 marutomo e-mail friend
400: 有
有名な yuumei na famous; notorious
有毒 yuudoku poisonous
有無 umu existence, presence; yes or no
有る aru, atta be, exist; have; take place
有り得る arieru possible, likely
有り得る ariuru possible, likely