
notes on configuring and using Ubuntu



Install packages as instructed here:


Also make we have ntpd and sshd daemons running.

$ sudo apt-get install -y ntp ssh

ssh keys

Copy them over to .ssh. chmod go-rwx everything. Create .ssh/authorized_keys

home directory

$ mkdir -p ~/Local/{bin,etc,man,src,include,lib}

personal code

$ cd ~/Local/src
$ git clone git@github.com:clarkgrubb/home.git


install docker



In Settings | Background | Colors choose a plain black background for the Background and Lock Screen.


In System Settings... | Appearance change the dropdown from Wallpapers to Colors & Gradients. Choose the left most square underneath the dropdown, which is no gradient. Choose black.


Edit | Profile Preferences... to change the text and background color.


Install/remove packages as instructed here:


Maybe add these:

sudo apt install -y octave gnumeric r-base \
  texlive texworks gnome-dictionary
  inkscape gimp

lock screen

For a guest desktop, it isn't useful to have a screen saver or a locking screen. They can be turned off here:

System Settings...| Brightness and Lock


The launcher can be customized by right clicking icons to remove them.

Remove these:

  • Firefox

One can add an app by launching it. To keep it in the launcher after it exits, right click the icon.

Add these:

  • Chromium Web Browser
  • Terminal
  • Emacs
  • Software Updater

In the lower right corner of System Settings | Appearance is a slider which can be used to make the launcher smaller.


Under "Settings", click "Show advanced settings..." and then uncheck "offer to save your web passwords". Under "Content Settings..." block third-party cookies.

Add these extensions:

  • empty new tab page
  • ublock origin
  • disable html5 autoplay


The Ubuntu button provides search functionality. In Ubuntu 14 this includes online search. To turn this off, go to:

System Settings | Security & Privacy


One needs to move the pointer onto the title bar of an application to see the menu drop downs. When the application is maximized, one also needs to do this to get the resizing controls. When running Ubuntu under VMware Fusion, be careful not to move the pointer off the top of the screen, since the Mac menu bar will slide down and hide the Ubuntu menu bar or Ubuntu application title bar.

keyboard shortcuts

  • Super: invokes HUD (heads-up display) which is like Spotlight or Windows Start Menu
  • Alt+Tab: application switcher
  • Ctrl+Super+Up: maximize window
  • Ctrl+Super+Left: fit window to left half of screen
  • Ctrl+Super+Right: fit window to right half of screen
  • Ctrl+Shift+=: zoom in
  • Ctrol+Shit+-: zoom out

Maximize windows using the maximize button in the upper left. This merges the titlebar and the menubar. If it is necesary to show two windows at the same time, right click on the menubar or titlebar and select Resize from the dropdown.

Go to:

System Settings | Keyboard | Shortcuts

and disable every shortcut which you don't use by highlighting it and hitting the Delete key. Some of these shortcuts interfere with Emacs keybindings.

VMWare Fusion

When running inside VMWare Fusion, go to the settings for the virtual machine. Under Keyboard & Mouse, select the Mac Profile

Testing by making sure that ⌘+Tab can be used to move into and out of the virtual machine. Also test that alt works as a meta key inside Emacs inside the virtual machine.


Use the netinst ISO.

Use su to become root and vigr to add non-root user to sudo group.

$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/clarkgrubb/home/master/puppet/debian.pp
$ sudo apt-get install -y puppet
$ sudo puppet apply debian.pp

Missing packages:

  • emacs24
  • silversearcher-ag

If running in VMWare, install the VMWare Tools. They appear in /media. Find the tarball and move it to ~/Local/src. Extract it and run

$ sudo apt-get install -y linux-headers-amd64
$ sudo vmware-install.pl

Accept the default for all the questions.


notes on configuring and using centos



Root is given the same password as the initial user account for the system.

To be able to give users sudo, use the visudo command to uncomment out this line:

# %wheel	ALL=(ALL)	ALL

Then users can be given sudo by adding them to the wheel group:

$ vigr



sudo yum install emacs git mercurial zsh tmux
sudo yum install ncurses-devel readline-devel
sudo yum install wireshark gdb nc ruby

CentOS 6:

sudo yum install git zsh
sudo yum install ncurses-devel readline-devel
sudo yum install wireshark gdb nc
sudo yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel

On CentOS 6: download and build emacs, tmux, python, and ruby:

Download, build, and install Emacs. The following packages will be needed:

sudo yum install libX11-devel gtk2-devel libtiff-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel gifliblibpng-devel libXpm-devel

Download, build, and install Tmux. It requires libevent2, which much be downloaded and installed because the CentOS version is too old:

$ wget https://github.com/downloads/libevent/libevent/libevent-2.0.21-stable.tar.gz

If the default installation place for libevent is used, then tmux must be invoked like this:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib tmux

A solution is to put a script like this in a personal bin directory:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
/usr/local/bin/tmux "$@"

Download, build, and install Python 2.7:

$ wget http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.6/Python-2.7.6.tgz

Download, build, and install Ruby 2.0:

$ wget http://cache.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/2.0/ruby-2.0.0-p353.tar.gz

Install this? https://github.com/ggreer/the_silver_searcher

ssh keys

Copy them over to .ssh. chmod go-rwx everything. Create .ssh/authorized_keys

home directory

mkdir ~/Lang ~/Local

personal code

$ git clone git@github.com:clarkgrubb/home.git
$ git clone git@github.com:clarkgrubb/data-tools.git


If running under VMware, assign a DNS name to the guest IP address in the host /etc/hosts file. For VMware Fusion, edit the dhcpd.conf file so the lease on the IP address isn't lost.


notes on configuring and using fedora



Make user administrator when installing to hard drive, and it isn't necessary to do the following:

Root is given the same password as the initial user account for the system.

To be able to give users sudo, use the visudo command to uncomment out this line:

# %wheel	ALL=(ALL)	ALL

Then users can be given sudo by adding them to the wheel group:

$ vigr


$ sudo yum install puppet
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/clarkgrubb/home/master/puppet/fedora.pp
$ sudo puppet apply fedora.pp


done by puppet

sudo yum install emacs git mercurial zsh tmux
sudo yum install ncurses-devel readline-devel
sudo yum install wireshark gdb gcc nc ruby
sudo yum install openssh-server

ssh keys

puppet creates .ssh/authorized_keys; get it to start the sshd daemon

The command to start the sshd daemon is

$ sudo service sshd start

Copy them over to .ssh. chmod go-rwx everything. Create .ssh/authorized_keys

home directory

done by puppet

mkdir ~/Lang
$ mkdir -p ~/Local/bin ~/Local/etc ~/Local/man
$ mkdir -p ~/Local/src ~/Local/include ~/Local/lib

personal code

$ cd ~/Local/src
$ git clone git@github.com:clarkgrubb/home.git
$ git clone git@github.com:clarkgrubb/data-tools.git


If running under VMware, assign a DNS name to the guest IP address in the host /etc/hosts file. For VMware Fusion, edit the dhcpd.conf file so the lease on the IP address isn't lost.


$ sudo yum install octave gnumeric R
$ sudo yum install gimp inkscape